'File' Pool Tag

Hi guys!

What is the memory under pool tag ‘File’? I can’t find info about it and it
seems to be I have non-paged pool memory leak with tag ‘File’.


PS. Happy new year!

> What is the memory under pool tag ‘File’? I can’t find info about it
and it

seems to be I have non-paged pool memory leak with tag ‘File’.

If you look at the DDK file pooltag.txt, you’ll see that it’s just “File

Often, I find that the tag I want is not in that list, so I’ll use the
ntoskrnl.exe symbols and set _PoolHitTag to the tag I want. The next
time that the tag is allocated or freed, ntoskrnl will do an INT 3
breakpoint, and based on the stack, you’ll know who owns it.