Failing Installations and UnInstallations of Applications

I am sorry if this is a stupid question.

Can I do some thing in my filter driver which restricts the user to
install or uninstall any application/ software from the system . I know
about fail a irp_mj_write or irp_mj_create . But that I guess will be a
desastor .

So could it be some thing like we have some process or thread which is
only used for installation and uninstallation- and I fail that.

Any ideas ??


— Anurag Sarin wrote:

> So could it be some thing like we have some process
> or thread which is
> only used for installation and uninstallation- and
> I fail that.

No, there is no such thing. The closest thing would
be MSI but still only a minority of apps use MSI installs.