
The Win2K DDK documentation for the ‘ExInitializePagedLookasideList’ function says the ‘Flags’ and ‘Depth’ parameters are “Reserved. Must be zero.” FastFAT passes non-zero values for both of these parameters to the function. Which is correct? Can you direct me to more information?

Thank you.

Jeff Nygren

FASTFAT uses the old and obsolete way of doing things. Pass zero there
in your code.


----- Original Message -----
To: “File Systems Developers”
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 10:55 PM
Subject: [ntfsd] ExInitializePagedLookasideList

> The Win2K DDK documentation for the ‘ExInitializePagedLookasideList’
function says the ‘Flags’ and ‘Depth’ parameters are “Reserved. Must
be zero.” FastFAT passes non-zero values for both of these parameters
to the function. Which is correct? Can you direct me to more
> Thank you.
> Jeff Nygren
> —
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On NT the parameters used to be required IIRC. Windows 2000 and later
want to decide themselves how much the lookaside can hold.
Good idea, since your driver cannot test all scenarios and determine
an optimum for each of them - the system can. It still isn’t good if you
want a BIG reserve though.

FASTFAT uses the old and obsolete way of doing things. Pass zero there
in your code.
> The Win2K DDK documentation for the ‘ExInitializePagedLookasideList’
function says the ‘Flags’ and ‘Depth’ parameters are “Reserved. Must
be zero.” FastFAT passes non-zero values for both of these parameters
to the function. Which is correct? Can you direct me to more

Kind regards, Dejan M. MVP for DDK
http://www.alfasp.com E-mail: xxxxx@alfasp.com
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