Execute write dma, but device only receives zeros

I do wirte dma by the framework, by using WdfDmaTransactionInitializeUsingRequest, and in EvtProgramDma() I fill DMA_SG_ELEMENT by the parameter SgList the call function pass into. But the strange thing happens, my pcie device receives zeros sometimes. Partial codes below:

In EvtIoCtrl()
pDeviceContext->ulWriteSize = InputBufferLength;
status = WdfDmaTransactionInitializeUsingRequest(

status = WdfDmaTransactionExecute(pDeviceContext->DmaWriteTransaction, WDF_NO_CONTEXT);

In EvtProgramDma()
dteVA = (PDMA_TRANSFER_ELEMENT) pDeviceContext->WriteCommonBufferBase;
dteLA = (pDeviceContext->WriteCommonBufferBaseLA.LowPart +

// Translate the System’s SCATTER_GATHER_LIST elements
// into the device’s DMA_TRANSFER_ELEMENT elements.
for (i=0; i < SgList->NumberOfElements; i++) {
// Construct this DTE.
dteVA->PciAddressLow = SgList->Elements[i].Address.LowPart;
dteVA->PciAddressHigh = SgList->Elements[i].Address.HighPart;
dteVA->TransferSize = SgList->Elements[i].Length;
dteVA->NextPageLow_EndBit = dteLA;
dteVA->NextPageHigh = pDeviceContext->WriteCommonBufferBaseLA.HighPart;

// If at end of SgList, then set LastElement bit in final NTE.
if (i == SgList->NumberOfElements - 1) {
dteVA->NextPageLow_EndBit |= 0x00000001;

// Adjust the next DMA_TRANSFER_ELEMEMT

WdfInterruptAcquireLock( pDeviceContext->Interrupt );
//set pcie device dma regs

WdfInterruptReleaseLock( pDeviceContext->Interrupt );

Thanks !

xxxxx@live.com wrote:

I do wirte dma by the framework, by using WdfDmaTransactionInitializeUsingRequest, and in EvtProgramDma() I fill DMA_SG_ELEMENT by the parameter SgList the call function pass into. But the strange thing happens, my pcie device receives zeros sometimes.

There are a couple of possibilities. Maybe the application is actually
sending zeros. Maybe your hardware is receiving the data but your DMA
is putting in the wrong spot.

So, WriteCommonBufferBase is the mapped address in your device memory?

Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.