errant spaming (eg LinkedIn / Merry Christmas)

A lot of the spam I’ve seen on the ntdev list appears to be of the type
where an application trawls your address book and emails everyone on it,
eg linkedin.

What is it about the ntdev list that makes it such a problem? None of
the other billions of lists I susbscribe to have this problem.
Similarly, ntdev is the only list where I can be guaranteed of getting
1-10 ‘out of the office’ replies every time I send a message.

Is email from the ntdev list not properly identifying itself as bulk
mail, or is it just that being a Microsoft oriented list, everyone is
probably using Exchange which doesn’t respect list headers properly?

Merry Christmas!


The reply-to address ought to be getting set to [or at least it was consistently so the last I looked at this in about a year ago]. The problem comes from mailers that don’t respect the reply-to address and send directly to the originator.

Perhaps your other lists supersede the originator address with a list address and not the bona-fined sender? [This is irritating for other reasons as it tends to break the ability of mail clients to associate messages to the right sender, of course.]

  • S

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of James Harper
Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2009 4:13 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] errant spaming (eg LinkedIn / Merry Christmas)

A lot of the spam I’ve seen on the ntdev list appears to be of the type
where an application trawls your address book and emails everyone on it,
eg linkedin.

What is it about the ntdev list that makes it such a problem? None of
the other billions of lists I susbscribe to have this problem.
Similarly, ntdev is the only list where I can be guaranteed of getting
1-10 ‘out of the office’ replies every time I send a message.

Is email from the ntdev list not properly identifying itself as bulk
mail, or is it just that being a Microsoft oriented list, everyone is
probably using Exchange which doesn’t respect list headers properly?

Merry Christmas!


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James Harper wrote:

A lot of the spam I’ve seen on the ntdev list appears to be of the type
where an application trawls your address book and emails everyone on it,
eg linkedin.

I’m not sure that statement is really fair. We had one LinkedIn thing
today, plus the “Merry Christmas” thing. Those are the only undesirable
messages I’ve seen on this list in a very long time.

As someone who runs about a dozen Mailman lists, I know what a
continuous job it is to keep the riff-raff off of these lists.
Remember, this is an opt-in list with validation. Messages are only
allowed from members, and you have to sign up, then respond to a
challenge in order to become a member. It’s unusual for a bulk spammer
to go to that much trouble. I suspect that the two messages we’ve seen
this week are simply sincere but misguided attempts by newbies who don’t
really appreciate what they’re doing.

Is email from the ntdev list not properly identifying itself as bulk
mail, or is it just that being a Microsoft oriented list, everyone is
probably using Exchange which doesn’t respect list headers properly?

No matter how much idiot-proofing you do, the idiots keep getting more

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

> Is email from the ntdev list not properly identifying itself as bulk mail,

Another peculiar thing that I noticed about this list is that sometimes your own posts get bounced back to you with the message saying that your identity has not been recognized by Lyris list manager, and hence, your post is rejected., and it happens despite the fact that your post actually appears on NTDEV. Is it specific to posting via the web interface ( this is how I post - old habits die hard), or it happens with email clients as well?

Anton Bassov

>Is it specific to posting via the web interface ( this is how I post - old habits die hard), or it happens with

email clients as well?

With NNTP too. Sometimes.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP

Scan through to the bottom of the bounce message and you’ll see that these
rejected mails are coming from someone else. Sometimes a mailer will reflect
a message back to the server (no idea why) and Lyris rejects it. Since it
looks like the mail is coming from you you get the error.


Scott Noone
Consulting Associate
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

“Maxim S. Shatskih” wrote in message
>>Is it specific to posting via the web interface ( this is how I post - old
>>habits die hard), or it happens with
>>email clients as well?
> With NNTP too. Sometimes.
> –
> Maxim S. Shatskih
> Windows DDK MVP