environment PATHS in kernel

Does anyone know how to obtain environment Variables in kernel. Need to query contents of some system variables in kernel and than check file presence was wondering what API/s can I use.

Aren’t they in the registry somewhere?

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Does anyone know how to obtain environment Variables in kernel. Need to query contents of some system variables in kernel and than check file presence was wondering what API/s can I use.

I believe so its per user session and/or also system wide…
HKLM\System\CCS\Control\Session Manager\Environment

How can I check file presence. Is calling Zwcreatefile every single time the only option…

Is this an entirely separate question from your previous one on the environment variables?

You could always check for the existence of the file and then register a directory change notification on the directory to be informed of … ah … directory changes.
