DVD structure


Can anyone help me with the DVD geometry?

bytes per sector = ???
sectors per track = ???
tracks per cylinder = ???
cylinders = ???

Thank you,
Andrei Ciubotaru

Bytes per sector is 2048. The other numbers really don’t make sense in
the modern hardware world, even for hard disks quite often.

Sectors per track is not a valid measurement, since a DVD media is a
spiral. Tracks are circles that are separate from each other. Tracks
per cylinder is also therefore invalid.

Cylinders is not really valid, but if you really want the closest
real-world result, dual-layer media would have 2, single-layer would
have 1.

Windows has more or less made up these numbers for many years for
optical media. Their use on HDDs is also generally deprecated. What
problem are you trying to solve using these numbers?


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrei Ciubotaru [mailto:xxxxx@rdslink.ro]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 3:07 AM
Subject: DVD structure


Can anyone help me with the DVD geometry?

bytes per sector = ???
sectors per track = ???
tracks per cylinder = ???
cylinders = ???

Thank you,
Andrei Ciubotaru