Duplicate Driver Installation

I’ve ported a simple serial I/O driver to KMDF from WDM. For installation, I’m using a modified version of the devcon Windows sample. The problem is that a new device object appears in Device Manager each time the installer is run. Ideally, the program will leave an existing installation alone if it’s current. I’m not a driver developer (if I haven’t already given it away :-)). Looking for some direction on this issue. Happy to supply any additional info. UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices is the function call doing the actual install. Thanks in advance.

Is this a root-enumerated device?

Alex, there’s actually no device at all. I need a kernel-mode driver to talk to the serial port. Simple byte I/O is all it does. Thanks for the response.

xxxxx@knudseneng.com wrote:

Alex, there’s actually no device at all. I need a kernel-mode driver to talk to the serial port. Simple byte I/O is all it does. Thanks for the response.

Your message is self-contradictory. If you are doing byte I/O to a
serial port, then there IS a device – the serial port. In addition,
your driver creates a device that your applications can call, and in
this case it is almost certainly root-enumerated.

If you only want one instance, then your installer should check to see
whether the device already exists before creating it again.

However, if you really do have a genuine serial port, then you don’t
need another kernel-mode driver to talk to it. There are already
drivers for it.

Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Thanks for the info Tim. Although we do have a physical port, it’s a 3rd party, proprietary GPIO board.

“…your installer should check to see whether the device already exists…”

This is the way I’ll pursue.
