Dump the state of a KEVENT?

Is there an easier way to dump the state of a KEVENT object than:

dt -b KEVENT

I looked for the !Event & !Kevent extensions, but I didn't find them. J



Philip D. Barila (303) 776-1264

There’s no bang command that I’m aware of, so unless you find one of the
other gazillion ways easier you’re stuck with something like -b. Other ways
would include:

dt nt!_kevent ffba7e20 . (Note the trailing period)
dt nt!_kevent ffba7e20 Header.SignalState
?? ((nt!_kevent*)0xffba7e20)->Header
?? ((nt!_kevent*)0xffba7e20)->Header.SignalState

However, if you find yourself doing it all of the time (and continually
annoyed by typing it out) you could always create a short script or debugger
extension. That would allow you to go one better and dump the threads
waiting on the event or something.


Scott Noone
Consulting Associate and Chief System Problem Analyst
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

“Philip D Barila” wrote in message news:xxxxx@windbg…

Is there an easier way to dump the state of a KEVENT object than:

dt -b KEVENT

I looked for the !Event & !Kevent extensions, but I didn’t find them. J



Philip D. Barila (303) 776-1264

I didn’t know about the “.” form. Saves a character over -b. :slight_smile:


Philip D. Barila (303) 776-1264

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com [mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of Scott Noone
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 1:24 PM
To: Kernel Debugging Interest List
Subject: Re:[windbg] Dump the state of a KEVENT?

There’s no bang command that I’m aware of, so unless you find one of the
other gazillion ways easier you’re stuck with something like -b. Other ways
would include:

dt nt!_kevent ffba7e20 . (Note the trailing period)
dt nt!_kevent ffba7e20 Header.SignalState
?? ((nt!_kevent*)0xffba7e20)->Header
?? ((nt!_kevent*)0xffba7e20)->Header.SignalState

However, if you find yourself doing it all of the time (and continually
annoyed by typing it out) you could always create a short script or debugger
extension. That would allow you to go one better and dump the threads
waiting on the event or something.


Scott Noone
Consulting Associate and Chief System Problem Analyst
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

“Philip D Barila” wrote in message news:xxxxx@windbg…

Is there an easier way to dump the state of a KEVENT object than:

dt -b KEVENT

I looked for the !Event & !Kevent extensions, but I didn’t find them. J



Philip D. Barila (303) 776-1264

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