DTM's Run INFTest against a single INF failed

Dear all
Does anyone know somthing about the DTM’s INFTest ?
chkinf test is ok when I use this tool in WDK, but DTM’s INFTest failed.


the error is as following:
INFORMATION:Marking RunJob Task “RunJob-Copy of CHKINF and INFTest Library Job” as Failed as the LibraryJOb “CHKINF and INFTest Library Job” havs Failed.



There’s several reasons why this test fails, especially for the
unspecified logo test. Generally it is because most unspecified
devices when they install do not get their .inf file copied to
\Windows\Inf, which is the only location where the DTM test picks the
INF file to run against chkinf.

Given that the DTM Controller has to be given a location of a valid
INF file for the device when configuring the test, it doesn’t seem
too difficult for them to have got around this problem.

Provided you are running the unspecified device tests you should be
able to ignore this error. So long as you have applied the QFE’s and
the filter updates from WinQual, this failure should be masked out by
the valid errata when it comes to creating the logo submission.

Your situation may be different, if so, I can say from hard
experience that you’ll only really find out what’s what by making a
logo submission. If you make a failed submission WHQL are immensely
helpful (irony warning !!) by telling you that the only help you’ll
get is to open a support incident. To be fair, the DTM support
people are good and if they have a failed logo submission to browse
they can get to the root cause of any problems. If you do go down
that path and you’re not located in the US do tell your local MS
support centre that the only DTM support team is located in Redmond,
it will save a lot of time.


At 07:50 PM 1/7/2008, xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:

Dear all
Does anyone know somthing about the DTM’s INFTest ?
chkinf test is ok when I use this tool in WDK, but DTM’s INFTest failed.


the error is as following:
INFORMATION:Marking RunJob Task “RunJob-Copy of CHKINF and INFTest
Library Job” as Failed as the LibraryJOb “CHKINF and INFTest
Library Job” havs Failed.



Mark S. Edwards wrote:

Generally it is because most unspecified devices when they install
do not get their .inf file copied to \Windows\Inf, which is the only
location where the DTM test picks the INF file to run against chkinf.

What? So where do “unspecified devices” get their .INF copied to when they install?

If you make a failed submission WHQL are immensely helpful (irony
warning !!) by telling you that the only help you’ll get is to open a
support incident.

Have to disagree here, the folks at the Winqual alias would always give me enough information to understand why my submission failed.

What did irk me, however, was that many times I submitted a package with 100% passing results (as viewed in the WHQL test viewer thingie), only to have it be failed by Winqual. When I would email asking why the submission failed, I got a response saying it was being “manually passed” since “all test results were passing”. This happened 4-5 times over the course of a year.

At 09:37 PM 1/7/2008, xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:

Mark S. Edwards wrote:

> Generally it is because most unspecified devices when they install
> do not get their .inf file copied to \Windows\Inf, which is the only
> location where the DTM test picks the INF file to run against chkinf.

What? So where do “unspecified devices” get their .INF copied to
when they install?

Some don’t get copied by default, storage filter drivers are a prime case.

> If you make a failed submission WHQL are immensely helpful (irony
> warning !!) by telling you that the only help you’ll get is to open a
> support incident.

Have to disagree here, the folks at the Winqual alias would always
give me enough information to understand why my submission failed.

What did irk me, however, was that many times I submitted a package
with 100% passing results (as viewed in the WHQL test viewer
thingie), only to have it be failed by Winqual. When I would email
asking why the submission failed, I got a response saying it was
being “manually passed” since “all test results were passing”. This
happened 4-5 times over the course of a year.

Guess the mileage varies and perhaps depends on who reads your
email. My experience with WinQual was not friendly. Then, being
based outside the US it took the MS Support group 10 days to discover
that the only DTM support group was in Redmond. Once in contact with
DTM support they do know what they are doing, but the whole DTM/logo
experience can be seriously draining on ones sanity.

Dear all
thank you very much.

I have downloaded the QFE304 and installed it on the DTM controller.
Now the error changed. the following child job failed, so parent job failed too.
child job:
1.CHKINF and INFTest Library Job failed.
error message:
1)Job Failed because Task "Run INF Test " Failed with FaiAndConitue

Dear all
thank you very much.

I have downloaded the QFE304 and installed it on the DTM controller.
Now the error changed. the following child job failed, so parent job failed too.
child job:
1.CHKINF and INFTest Library Job failed.
error message:
1)Job Failed because Task "Run INF Test " Failed with FaiAndConitue
2) cmd /c set path=%path%; …/LG -l %windir%\inf\
failed with ExitCode 1.
2. WDKDriverValidationLibraryJob pass
3.WDK File Signature verification Library Job failed.
error : The task was marked failed after parsing the log file.

How can I do?

thank you very much.


huaping jiang wrote:

  1. cmd /c set path=%path%; …/LG -l %windir%\inf\ failed with
    ExitCode 1.

Yeah, so again, what’s your path? Post your full path here.

Hi Chris
The following is the detail path,coming from the error log.

cmd /c set path=%path%;G:\WTT\JobsWorkingDir\Tasks\WTTJobRunB9577539-6959-469B-8D35-40F6828D1734 && “G:\WTT\JobsWorkingDir\Tasks\WTTJobRunB9577539-6959-469B-8D35-40F6828D1734\i386\inftest.exe” -wdk -p G:\WTT\JobsWorkingDir\Tasks\WTTJobRunB9577539-6959-469B-8D35-40F6828D1734 -f /LG -l %windir%\inf\

huaping jiang

At 03:27 AM 1/9/2008, xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Chris
The following is the detail path,coming from the error log.

cmd /c set
-wdk -p
-f /LG -l %windir%\inf\

huaping jiang

As I said before, the chkinf test can fail in quite a number of
scenarios. Have a search through the WinQual errata list and you
will perhaps see an errata that explains the failure with your type
of device. The quickest way to see if the failure is a real problem
is to apply the latest UpdateFilters patch from WinQual and have DTM
generate a submission package. If your type of device is
legitimately allowed to fail the chkinf test, then the updated
filters will mask the failure out of the submission package - it
should show a special icon in the results that it is a maskable error
that won’t cause logo submission failure…


huaping jiang wrote:

The following is the detail path,coming from the error log.

No. What is your PATH environment variable on the machine? You know, the list of directories in which Windows will search for a file if not given the full path?

thank you Mark

I will try to do.


environment variable path=%systemroot%\system32;%systemroot%;%systemroot%\system32\wbem;G:\program files\microsoft drver test manager\client\

cmd /c set
1734 &&
nftest.exe” -wdk -p
G:\WTT\JobsWorkingDir\Tasks\WTTJobRunB9577539-6959-469B-8D35-40F6828D1734 -f /LG
-l %windir%\inf\

I found G:\WTT\JobsWorkingDir\Tasks is an empty directory. There is no nothing in that dir.


thank you

At 08:43 PM 1/9/2008, xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:

environment variable
files\microsoft drver test manager\client\

cmd /c set
1734 &&
nftest.exe” -wdk -p
-f /LG
-l %windir%\inf\

I found G:\WTT\JobsWorkingDir\Tasks is an empty directory. There is
no nothing in that dir.


thank you

Each DTM job creates its own unique working directory on the test
client. When the job terminates the results are gathered by the
Controller and the client working directory deleted. There’s nothing
strange in what you’re seeing.


huaping jiang wrote:

G:\program files\microsoft drver test manager\client\

drver test manager? Is that a typo? It might choke if you have invalid dirs in your path, you never know. Do you really need DTM in your path anyway? (don’t remember)

the DTM’s path is added to path environment by DTM CLIENT setup program.


Dear all
inftest passed. I reinstalled the DTM client and change the installation path to g:\dtm\client.

Now it worked.

thank you very much.
