DTM Client Cannot Find Pattern "\\DTM_SERVER\tests\x86fre\nttest\nettest\ndis\*"

Has anyone got DTM working? Can anyone run the “Install Virtual Miniport for
the Light Weight Filter Test” Job (Id 1008)?

Mine’s failing the Copy Files task with the simplest of failures - unknown
user name or bad password.

I’m using the Build 6000 of DTM which in all of it’s documentation (and
videos) states that the DTM installation sets up the user accounts on the
clients and controller machines.

I’m running with a pair of Win2K3 servers, one that’s client and one that’s
a controller running the studio. Neither have any firewall enabled, and
obviously the client can see the controller’s network share (as that’s how
you install the client).

If anyone has any clues, suggestions or can point me in the direction of a
website (http://whql.17.forumer.com/ looks promising for the future) that
can help with this trivial, but show stopping, problem please do follow up!
Apparently my enquiry to DTM Support has been forwarded to a Support
Processional - but the promised two/three business days has been and gone…


Keith Starsmeare
Senior Developer
The Neverfail Group

“Keith Starsmeare” wrote in message
> Mine’s failing the Copy Files task with the simplest of failures - unknown
> user name or bad password.

It works (obviously) when I enable the guest account and allow everyone full
access to the shares. I guess that’s why they suggest putting the DTM lab to
be in a secure location on a different subnet. But it’s in contradiction of
the help file which actually suggests locking down these permissions, not
opening them up.

Hey ho… unto the next hurdle.
