dtm = a lunatic's nightmare

Since I am new to the world of DTM, I decided to keep it very simple. I installed the dtm controller and studio on my windows 2003 server and the dtm client on my xp machine. After performing the requisite setup actions for logo testing, I followed the example in DTM Help for monitor testing. In the “device console”, I selected “EDID 1.3 and DDC” and scheduled this test to execute. The first error reported is:

Failed to Start the Task “Copy Test Binaries”
Zero files are copied when Trying to Copy From Path “[WTT\WOW64TestBinRoot]\NTTEST\MULTIMEDIATEST\video\ntlogger.ini”…Failing the Task
Zero files were copied. The CopyFile/CopyResult task has been marked failed. At least one file should be copied for the CopyFile/CopyResult task to pass.

I have no idea as to what this error is trying to say, and DTM Help is totally silent on the matter. Does anyone know how to get me “beyond go”? I would be quite happy just to get the DTM example to work not to mention my usb driver!


To start, make sure the client can access that directory on the server using a UNC path. I don’t remember the details off the top of my head, but there is a directory on the controller that is shared and all clients are supposed to be able to access it.

Hi Takin

Thanks for the reply. My client PC has no problem accessing the controller’s dtmInstall directory. I revisited my process to test the client display and isolate the first occurrence of error. So, retracing my steps, I did the following:

  1. In DTM Studio/Job Monitor, I added my client PC to the “Test Pool”;
  2. I added dimension Wdk\ConfigureDisplayMonitorCRT to the policy;
  3. I set my client PC status = reset;
  4. The 10 tasks pegged to the new dimension execute in lockstep;
  5. All tasks = pass except one, i.e. DisplayMonitorCRT Master Config Job;
  6. The error message chain is …

Failed to Start the Task “Deploy Dynamic System Update Manager - Copy Watchdog Manager”
Zero files are copied when Trying to Copy From Path “\ensure2003.ENSURETECH\DTMInstall\Gatherers\x86\WatchdogMgr.exe”…Failing the Task
Zero files were copied. The CopyFile/CopyResult task has been marked failed. At least one file should be copied for the CopyFile/CopyResult task to pass.

Failed to Copy File : “\ensure2003.ENSURETECH\DTMInstall\Gatherers\x86\WatchdogMgr.exe” Dest : "C:\WTT\JobsWorkingDir\AssetCfg"
A Windows API Returned an unexpected error. Look at win32 error code in the inner error for more details.

Root Cause
Copying File From “\ensure2003.ENSURETECH\DTMInstall\Gatherers\x86\WatchdogMgr.exe” to “C:\WTT\JobsWorkingDir\AssetCfg\WatchdogMgr.exe” Failed
Error Code 32 (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)
No resolution provided.

I rechecked my permissions for the DTMInstall folder and subfolders, and the client should have full access. But why would the WatchdogMgr be in use? I never started it (at least to my knowledge). Any Ideas?


The problem that I was having with copying watchdogmgr.exe was due to my configuration. I have 2 PCs: PC1 runs Windows 2003 Server + DTM Controller & Studio; PC2 runs XP + DTM Client. Both PCs are members of a company-wide domain. Initially I installed DTM Controller & Studio on PC1 logged in as Administrator. I installed DTM Client on PC2 logged in with my domain ID which has administrative privilege. In this configuration, the watchdogmgr copy error occurs.

When I install all the software as above while logged in with my domain ID on both PCs then apply the submission, everything is copasetic.
