dt nt!_OBJECT_HEADER ffbb8a80

hi, all.
I am reading the document of windbg 6.0.0017.0 which down from Microsoft.
In “Debugging Techniques—>Elementary Debugging Techniques---->
Determining the ACL of an Object”, it use DT command to show the
object header content as the following:
dt nt!_OBJECT_HEADER ffbb8a80

When I tried to experienced this command, windbg told me
“Symbol NT!_OBJECT_HEADER not found.”. Which symbol should I load
to use it?

Please give me advices.

best regards

Do you have the proper symbols loaded for the version/beta of the OS that
you are debugging?

Gary G. Little
Have Computer will travel …

“brucie” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> hi, all.
> I am reading the document of windbg 6.0.0017.0 which down from Microsoft.
> In “Debugging Techniques—>Elementary Debugging Techniques---->
> Determining the ACL of an Object”, it use DT command to show the
> object header content as the following:
> dt nt!_OBJECT_HEADER ffbb8a80
> When I tried to experienced this command, windbg told me
> “Symbol NT!_OBJECT_HEADER not found.”. Which symbol should I load
> to use it?
> Please give me advices.
> Thx
> best regards
> yours
> brucie
> xxxxx@sina.com
> 2002-09-08