Driver causing BSOD continously.


I am installing network low wait filter driver (NDIS 6.0 PCAUSA).
As soon as driver getting started system crashing with blue screen of death.

OS:- Windows 7 professional x64.
Processor:- Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3 GenuineIntel 1488 Mhz

attached dump analysis.

Please help with above issue.
Thank you in advance.

And your use of timers?

Hi ,

find attachment.
this might help.

Thank you.

Hi rod_widdowson,

if you need my dmp fileplease let me know.
I will attach it.

No, it doesn’t really help. Have you looked at the dump? It says the system tried to dereference a null pointer while processing a timer expiration. What that probably means is that you have created a timer incorrectly, maybe with a null callback. What Rod was asking for is for you to post your code that deals with timers.


Find attachment.
Code section where using timers.

Thank you.

This isn’t related to the timer problem, but in your FiniFltr routine, the very last thing you do is release two spin locks AFTER you have already deleted them. That’s guaranteed to explode.

ok let me check with that solution if it works.

I made changes but still crashing.
i m attaching my filter code.
this might help.

Thank you.

Hi Anurag,

I suggest you to collect dump file by enabling driver verifier. select only your driver and then check the crashing thread call stack.


Hi Sai,

I checked with Driver verifier also, Same dump it is giving.


You’re not giving us NEARLY enough specific information to be able to debug this problem… and it sounds to me like you’re not doing enough debugging yourself.

If I were you, I would not expect anyone here in the community to do a code-review of the source code for your driver (provided as a text file). I mean, I dunno… maybe somebody will. But I won’t even OPEN an attached text file.


I looked at, but there’s too much code to desk-check it all, and the massive use of globals horrified me. You’re going to have to add some debug trace messages so you can see how far you get before it explodes.

Hi Tim

I tried by adding debug messages but in dbgview it is not event showing debug message of driverentry function.
I am checking with my system’s other drivers also.
might be somebody else creating issue.

Thank you