Driver can't be loaded successfully

Today , I setup a PC with xp + debug_version_xp2 .

After done, I tried to load my driver by connecting the device to PC . But the driver is always loaded unsuccessfully . These driver works well in free version. So I think there is something wrong with the configuration of debug version .

Here is the collected error information :

1 . From Device manager , I can see error code is 1

2 . From Windbg , I don’t see the DriverEntry of my driver is invoked at all . An line says : InstallDev Error =f002. I think that a failure occurs prior to the driver loading .

Can someone please shed some light ? Thanks

What kind of driver is it? In particular, does it use kmdf?


Yes. It’s kmdf-type driver .

You imply coinstaller.dll ??

Any tricky configuration on it ???

That would be my first thought, yes.

You might want to check \Windows\setupapi.log and see if it says anything interesting.

Good luck,


There is an error log in it . saying :

Coinstaller 1 of 1 failed . Error 61442: unknown error .

little informative to me .

Look in the wdf coinstaller log,

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 11:28 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Driver can’t be loaded successfully

There is an error log in it . saying :

Coinstaller 1 of 1 failed . Error 61442: unknown error .

little informative to me .

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>>Look in the wdf coinstaller log,
