How should I troubleshoot this issue? Which WinDbg commands can I use to investigate it? I apologize for not being able to find more helpful information on MSDN.
The DPC watchdog detected a prolonged run time at an IRQL of DISPATCH_LEVEL
or above.
Arg1: 0000000000000001, The system cumulatively spent an extended period of time at
Arg2: 0000000000001e00, The watchdog period (in ticks).
Arg3: fffff807ddfc33a0, cast to nt!DPC_WATCHDOG_GLOBAL_TRIAGE_BLOCK, which contains
additional information regarding the cumulative timeout
Arg4: 0000000000000000
This appears to be a system thread. I suspect it might be related to my driver, but I can't find any correlation in the dump. Is there any place where I can find troubleshooting solutions or command guides for similar errors? Additionally, all the machines experiencing this issue are running Windows 11.
Thank you for the guidance. I looked into the relevant commands, but it seems that all the stack information points to the operating system's own drivers.
7: kd> !dpcwatchdog
All durations are in seconds (1 System tick = 15.625000 milliseconds)
Circular Kernel Context Logger history: !logdump 0x2
DPC and ISR stats (total since boot): !intstats /d
DPC and ISR stats (during DPC watchdog period): !intstats /w
Current DPC: No Active DPC
Pending DPCs:
CPU Type KDPC Function
0: Normal : 0xffffe209ce3d1118 0xfffff801451edc00 Wdf01000!FxDpc::FxDpcThunk
0: Normal : 0xffffe209d35e0700 0xfffff80146709040 dxgkrnl!DpiFdoDpcForIsr
0: Normal : 0xfffff801b41095a0 0xfffff801b35aefa0 nt!PpmCheckPeriodicStart
0: Normal : 0xffffe209d3fc8808 0xfffff80146c55440 ndis!ndisInterruptDpc
0: Normal : 0xfffff80142ffc440 0xfffff80144bb14f0 symcryptk!SymCryptEntropyAccumulatorDpcRoutine
0: Normal : 0xffffe209cea98c70 0xfffff801451d2f70 Wdf01000!FxInterrupt::_InterruptDpcThunk
0: Normal : 0xffffe209c5526540 0xfffff80145363f20 ACPI!ACPIInterruptServiceRoutineDPC
0: Normal : 0xfffff801b4121080 0xfffff801b3657fa0 nt!KiBalanceSetManagerDeferredRoutine
0: Normal : 0xffffe209d39e7c70 0xfffff8014c7171e0 igdkmdn64
0: Normal : 0xffffe209d39e7590 0xfffff8014c7171e0 igdkmdn64
0: Threaded: 0xfffff80142ffbc58 0xfffff801b3782360 nt!KiDpcWatchdog
DPC Watchdog Captures Analysis for CPU #0.
DPC Watchdog capture size: 2363 stacks.
Number of unique stacks: 6.
Most common function: fffff801b3874c94 nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x34
The captured stacks seem to indicate that only a single DPC or generic function is the culprit.
Try to analyse what other processors were doing at the time of the following reference capture:
CPU #0 DPC Watchdog Reference Stack (#0 of 2363) - Profiling started at time since boot: 8226 Min 31 Sec 328.12 mSec
# RetAddr Call Site
00 fffff801b3469b05 nt!KiUpdateRunTime+0xC9
01 fffff801b3409afe nt!KiUpdateTime+0x2B5
02 fffff801b340b4ad nt!KeClockInterruptNotify+0x66E
03 fffff801b3875cde nt!KiCallInterruptServiceRoutine+0x2ED
04 fffff801b38764ec nt!KiInterruptSubDispatchNoLockNoEtw+0x4E
05 fffff801b350090c nt!KiInterruptDispatchNoLockNoEtw+0x3C
06 fffff801b38bb079 nt!MiLockPageInline+0x5C
07 fffff801b38a6d94 nt!MiClearPfnImageVerified+0x28DB35
08 fffff801b351e211 nt!MiGatherMappedPages+0x3889C8
09 fffff801b365652a nt!MiMappedPageWriter+0x201
0a fffff801b3874c94 nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x5A
0b ---------------- nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x34
11: kd> !dpcwatchdog
All durations are in seconds (1 System tick = 15.625000 milliseconds)
Circular Kernel Context Logger history: !logdump 0x2
DPC and ISR stats (total since boot): !intstats /d
DPC and ISR stats (during DPC watchdog period): !intstats /w
Current DPC: No Active DPC
Pending DPCs:
CPU Type KDPC Function
0: Normal : 0xffffa90fe0e52518 0xfffff804cfb6d1b0 nt!IopPassiveInterruptDpc
0: Normal : 0xffffa90fd5110700 0xfffff80462999040 dxgkrnl!DpiFdoDpcForIsr
0: Normal : 0xffffa90fda209d60 0xfffff804616f2f70 Wdf01000!FxInterrupt::_InterruptDpcThunk
0: Normal : 0xfffff804d07095a0 0xfffff804cfbaefa0 nt!PpmCheckPeriodicStart
0: Normal : 0xfffff8045df1e440 0xfffff804610d14f0 symcryptk!SymCryptEntropyAccumulatorDpcRoutine
0: Normal : 0xfffff804d0721080 0xfffff804cfc57fa0 nt!KiBalanceSetManagerDeferredRoutine
0: Normal : 0xffffa90fcf513b20 0xfffff80461863f20 ACPI!ACPIInterruptServiceRoutineDPC
0: Normal : 0xffffa90fcfaa7af8 0xfffff804cfaedd90 nt!EtwpLoggerDpc
0: Normal : 0xffffa90fda65cdc0 0xfffff804616f2f70 Wdf01000!FxInterrupt::_InterruptDpcThunk
0: Threaded: 0xfffff8045df1dc58 0xfffff804cfd82360 nt!KiDpcWatchdog
DPC Watchdog Captures Analysis for CPU #0.
DPC Watchdog capture size: 2070 stacks.
Number of unique stacks: 1.
No common functions detected!
The captured stacks seem to indicate that only a single DPC or generic function is the culprit.
Try to analyse what other processors were doing at the time of the following reference capture:
CPU #0 DPC Watchdog Reference Stack (#0 of 2070) - Profiling started at time since boot: 49 Min 24 Sec 359.38 mSec
# RetAddr Call Site
00 fffff804cfa69b05 nt!KiUpdateRunTime+0xC9
01 fffff804cfa09afe nt!KiUpdateTime+0x2B5
02 fffff804cfa0b4ad nt!KeClockInterruptNotify+0x66E
03 fffff804cfe75cde nt!KiCallInterruptServiceRoutine+0x2ED
04 fffff804cfe764ec nt!KiInterruptSubDispatchNoLockNoEtw+0x4E
05 fffff804cfbf713f nt!KiInterruptDispatchNoLockNoEtw+0x3C
06 fffff804cfbf6ffb nt!KiInitiateGenericCallDpc+0x9F
07 fffff804cfa3a129 nt!KiGenericCallDpcInitiatorWorker+0x3B
08 fffff804cfc64baf nt!KeGenericProcessorCallback+0x285
09 fffff804d0044ec3 nt!KeGenericCallDpc+0x3F
0a fffff804d0196a09 nt!EtwpFreeLoggerContext+0xAB
0b fffff804cfc5652a nt!EtwpLogger+0x2B9
0c fffff804cfe74c94 nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x5A
0d ---------------- nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x34
Current DPC: No Active DPC
Pending DPCs:
CPU Type KDPC Function
dpcs: no pending DPCs found
Current DPC: No Active DPC
Pending DPCs:
CPU Type KDPC Function
2: Normal : 0xffff97813ceeb4e0 0xfffff804cfc6c630 nt!EtwpSynchronizationDpc
2: Normal : 0xffff97813ceebad8 0xfffff804cfa744c0 nt!PpmPerfAction
2: Normal : 0xffffdc0412627050 0xfffff804cfa68340 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
2: Normal : 0xffffdc04181b7050 0xfffff804cfa68340 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
2: Normal : 0xffff97813ceec440 0xfffff804610d14f0 symcryptk!SymCryptEntropyAccumulatorDpcRoutine
2: Normal : 0xffffa90fe2e103c0 0xfffff8047e53cc30 MpKslDrv
2: Normal : 0xffffdc041a387050 0xfffff804cfa68340 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
2: Normal : 0xffffdc041489f050 0xfffff804cfa68340 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
2: Normal : 0xffffdc0416467050 0xfffff804cfa68340 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
2: Normal : 0xffffa90fcf58ff80 0xfffff804cfc47480 nt!KiDpcRuntimeHistoryHashTableCleanupDpcRoutine
2: Normal : 0xffffdc0415a2f050 0xfffff804cfa68340 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
2: Threaded: 0xffff97813ceebc58 0xfffff804cfd82360 nt!KiDpcWatchdog
DPC Watchdog Captures Analysis for CPU #2.
DPC Watchdog capture size: 2549 stacks.
Number of unique stacks: 1.
No common functions detected!
The captured stacks seem to indicate that only a single DPC or generic function is the culprit.
Try to analyse what other processors were doing at the time of the following reference capture:
CPU #2 DPC Watchdog Reference Stack (#0 of 2549) - Profiling started at time since boot: 49 Min 16 Sec 875.00 mSec
# RetAddr Call Site
00 fffff804cfa09dfb nt!KiUpdateRunTime+0xC9
01 fffff804cfa0b4ad nt!KeClockInterruptNotify+0x96B
02 fffff804cfe75cde nt!KiCallInterruptServiceRoutine+0x2ED
03 fffff804cfe764ec nt!KiInterruptSubDispatchNoLockNoEtw+0x4E
04 fffff804cfb0090c nt!KiInterruptDispatchNoLockNoEtw+0x3C
05 fffff804cfebb079 nt!MiLockPageInline+0x5C
06 fffff804cfea6d94 nt!MiClearPfnImageVerified+0x28DB35
07 fffff804cfb1e211 nt!MiGatherMappedPages+0x3889C8
08 fffff804cfc5652a nt!MiMappedPageWriter+0x201
09 fffff804cfe74c94 nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x5A
0a ---------------- nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x34
12: kd> !dpcwatchdog
All durations are in seconds (1 System tick = 15.625000 milliseconds)
Circular Kernel Context Logger history: !logdump 0x2
DPC and ISR stats (total since boot): !intstats /d
DPC and ISR stats (during DPC watchdog period): !intstats /w
Current DPC: No Active DPC
Pending DPCs:
CPU Type KDPC Function
0: Normal : 0xffff9b8afc531038 0xfffff80770b597f0 tcpip!TcpPeriodicTimeoutHandler
0: Normal : 0xfffff8076cb0d440 0xfffff8076e8c14f0 symcryptk!SymCryptEntropyAccumulatorDpcRoutine
0: Normal : 0xfffff50c38427050 0xfffff807dd2b6b20 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
0: Normal : 0xfffff50c3847f050 0xfffff807dd2b6b20 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
0: Normal : 0xfffff50c34852050 0xfffff807dd2b6b20 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
0: Normal : 0xffff9b8b090d6010 0xfffff8078ca0a2b0 Ndu!NduQueryStatisticsDpc
0: Normal : 0xfffff50c3442f050 0xfffff807dd2b6b20 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
0: Normal : 0xffff9b8af2cf2af8 0xfffff807dd434830 nt!EtwpLoggerDpc
0: Normal : 0xfffff50c33567450 0xfffff807dd2b6b20 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
0: Normal : 0xffff9b8af2644f80 0xfffff807dd40d080 nt!KiDpcRuntimeHistoryHashTableCleanupDpcRoutine
0: Threaded: 0xfffff8076cb0cc58 0xfffff807dd553de0 nt!KiDpcWatchdog
DPC Watchdog Captures Analysis for CPU #0.
DPC Watchdog capture size: 1657 stacks.
Number of unique stacks: 1.
No common functions detected!
The captured stacks seem to indicate that only a single DPC or generic function is the culprit.
Try to analyse what other processors were doing at the time of the following reference capture:
CPU #0 DPC Watchdog Reference Stack (#0 of 1657) - Profiling started at time since boot: 4 Min 36 Sec 281.25 mSec
# RetAddr Call Site
00 fffff807dd2f30c8 nt!KiUpdateRunTime+0xA8
01 fffff807dd2f214f nt!KeClockInterruptNotify+0x358
02 fffff807dd65d6ae nt!KiCallInterruptServiceRoutine+0x2DF
03 fffff807dd65debc nt!KiInterruptSubDispatchNoLockNoEtw+0x4E
04 fffff807dd3c8623 nt!KiInterruptDispatchNoLockNoEtw+0x3C
05 fffff807dd3c84db nt!KiInitiateGenericCallDpc+0x9F
06 fffff807dd279d2b nt!KiGenericCallDpcInitiatorWorker+0x3B
07 fffff807dd42c8cf nt!KeGenericProcessorCallback+0x26B
08 fffff807709a6790 nt!KeGenericCallDpc+0x3F
09 fffff807709b5269 NETIO!EnterWfpSlowPath+0x60
0a fffff80770bd87d2 NETIO!IoctlKfdBatchUpdate+0x49
0b fffff80770bdbbcf tcpip!KfdDispatchDevCtl+0x72
0c fffff807dd32bf1d tcpip!NlDispatchDeviceControl+0x3F
0d fffff807dd871277 nt!IofCallDriver+0x4D
0e fffff807dd870284 nt!IopSynchronousServiceTail+0x1C7
0f fffff807dd86f97e nt!IopXxxControlFile+0x8F4
10 fffff807dd66f441 nt!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x5E
11 ---------------- nt!KiSystemServiceExitPico+0x496
Current DPC: No Active DPC
Pending DPCs:
CPU Type KDPC Function
12: Normal : 0xffffad00815d94e0 0xfffff807709dbf60 NETIO!WfpSyncDpcCallback
12: Normal : 0xffff9b8b006b0700 0xfffff807702c8ff0 dxgkrnl!DpiFdoDpcForIsr
12: Normal : 0xffffad00815d9ad8 0xfffff807dd24d570 nt!PpmPerfAction
12: Normal : 0xffff9b8af6cef238 0xfffff8076fa0e0c0 stornvme!NVMeCompletionDpcRoutine
12: Normal : 0xfffff50c35e5f050 0xfffff807dd2b6b20 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
12: Normal : 0xffff9b8b00fe7be8 0xfffff80770818170 ndis!ndisInterruptDpc
12: Normal : 0xffffad00815da440 0xfffff8076e8c14f0 symcryptk!SymCryptEntropyAccumulatorDpcRoutine
12: Normal : 0xfffff50c34ef6d10 0xfffff807dd2b6b20 nt!PopExecuteProcessorCallback
12: Normal : 0xffff9b8b090d6310 0xfffff8078ca0a2b0 Ndu!NduQueryStatisticsDpc
12: Normal : 0xffff9b8af261ad40 0xfffff807dd40d080 nt!KiDpcRuntimeHistoryHashTableCleanupDpcRoutine
12: Threaded: 0xffffad00815d9c58 0xfffff807dd553de0 nt!KiDpcWatchdog
Unable to load image \SystemRoot\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_2727f47d6a4671db\igdkmdn64.sys, Win32 error 0n2
DPC Watchdog Captures Analysis for CPU #12.
DPC Watchdog capture size: 2247 stacks.
Number of unique stacks: 148.
Most common function: fffff807dd65c664 nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x34
List of functions that exist often in the Watchdog record:
Module Name Function Name #Stack #Of Occurrences
nt KiInterruptDispatchNoLockNoEtw 000 119 (of 147)
List of functions that are called often in the Watchdog record:
Module Name Function Name #Stack #Of Occurrences
nt KiInterruptMessageDispatch 001 147 (of 147)
The interesting looking processors seem to be stuck when messing with PFNs. Nothing comes to mind that could immediately explain this so need more background.
Do you have a driver running in this system or is a clean VM image? Also, what version of Windows?
I apologize, but I don't have an environment where the issue can be reproduced. Moreover, the environment contains at least five or six drivers, and I currently can't confirm which one is causing the problem or if it's related to my driver at all. However, there have been 6 or 7 similar blue screen reports in the past two weeks, which makes me suspect that it might be my issue.
My only clue is that these issues have all occurred on Windows 11 systems.