Doubt regarding DMA transfer size setting

I have a doubt regarding WdfDmaEnablerCreate. My hardware dma transfer
size is 2MB. But I have given 4MB as MaximumLength in the
WDF_DMA_ENABLER_CONFIG structure. But it is working with no problem.


Sreejesh S. Warrier wrote:

I have a doubt regarding WdfDmaEnablerCreate. My hardware dma transfer
size is 2MB. But I have given 4MB as MaximumLength in the
WDF_DMA_ENABLER_CONFIG structure. But it is working with no problem. How?

If you never have a DMA request larger than 2MB, you’ll never encounter
this limit. The limit only comes in to play when you have requests
larger than the limit.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.