doubt in virtual storage driver:vss

when I installed virtual storage driver from vss sdk and look into devicetree I see it sits below disk.sys in the stack…
It allocates a 20MB space for us to work on that.From where does this 20MB come???
How is this space created???
It is a mountpoint or something…points to some other memory in some other disk???
I am just not able to get the content…

I’m not sure what you mean here. There is no driver in the VSS SDK,
all access to VSS is in user mode to the VSS DCOM component which
manages and exposes snapshots to local and remote storage. Any
drivers associated with snapshots are part of the base o/s
installation and have been since Win2K3 and some SP version of XP.

As for space occupied by a snapshot. With volume level snapshots
this is a functional component of the mounted file system, it manages
space for any snapshots based upon known free space on the
volume. Typically it’s a copy on write feature handled deep within
the file system.

As for hardware snapshots on remote storage, that’s proprietary to
each vendor as to how they allocate and manage LUN level snapshots.

Since you have the SDK you should examine the test application far
more closely. It can seem overly complicated but it has everything
in there that you need to know about managing snapshots.


At 13:23 23/06/2010, wrote:

when I installed virtual storage driver from vss sdk and look into
devicetree I see it sits below disk.sys in the stack…
It allocates a 20MB space for us to work on that.From where does
this 20MB come???
How is this space created???
It is a mountpoint or something…points to some other memory in
some other disk???
I am just not able to get the content…