doubt in dual boot

I want to list all the drives in the system other than the os drive.
I use GetSystemDirectory and GetWindowsDirectory functions to filter the os drives.
My list was perfect in a single boot system.
In case of dual boot system where I have 2 OS drives the my list should filter both OS drives. But it doesnt happen like that.
Is there a way to do this. Any registry key to look or any API.

Try to read register key
to get current boot up device.



On 2009-4-28 14:19, wrote:


I want to list all the drives in the system other than the os drive.
I use GetSystemDirectory and GetWindowsDirectory functions to filter the os drives.
My list was perfect in a single boot system.
In case of dual boot system where I have 2 OS drives the my list should filter both OS drives. But it doesnt happen like that.
Is there a way to do this. Any registry key to look or any API.

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Can IoGetBootDiskInformation help?

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
>I want to list all the drives in the system other than the os drive.
> I use GetSystemDirectory and GetWindowsDirectory functions to filter the os drives.
> My list was perfect in a single boot system.
> In case of dual boot system where I have 2 OS drives the my list should filter both OS drives. But it doesnt happen like that.
> Is there a way to do this. Any registry key to look or any API.

You might want to read about Volume Management the SDK. In particular, I would take a look at
GetLogicalDrives()/GetLogicalDriveStrings(). [Volume Management] [GetLogicalDrives()] [GetLogicalDriveStrings()]

This assumes that all you want is a list of mounted drives (letters); if you want to know about
partitions and so forth, this won’t do that (I think that would involve the Mount Manager API, but I
really don’t know).

Good luck,

mm wrote:

I want to list all the drives in the system other than the os drive.
I use GetSystemDirectory and GetWindowsDirectory functions to filter the os drives.
My list was perfect in a single boot system.
In case of dual boot system where I have 2 OS drives the my list should filter both OS drives. But it doesnt happen like that.
Is there a way to do this. Any registry key to look or any API.

Thanks for the info.
I wanted to do this stuff in the application side.
so I guess IoGetBootDiskInformation will not help me.
I will try out if any thing other is there or not.
