Does WIA filter driver exists?

Hi all,

I need to develop a tool that would monitor WIA drivers activities. Reading the documentation I didn’t find a way to develop a filter for this kind of driver, because its interface is exposed as COM objects.

The high edge of this driver is User-Mode, so I’m not sure whether I could ask this here, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

Thanks in advance,

Fernando Roberto da Silva
DriverEntry Kernel Development

I know little about WIA, but a casual perusal of the docs suggests that filter drivers are not only possible, but are an architected part of WIA 2.0’s functionality…



Hi Peter,

First of all, thanks for your help.

WIA 2.0 is implemented on Windows Vista and later. For these OSes I’m intending to develop a filter for WPD that is implemented on UMDF.

I need to find a way to implement this monitoring tool as an alternative for Windows XP customers, and as far as I know Windows XP only supports WIA 1.0.

My original question should be:
Does anyone know about filtering WIA DDI on Windows XP?


>find a way to develop a filter for this kind of driver, because its interface is exposed as COM objects.

Any COM-creatable COM objects are easily filtered using some tricks like aggregation.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP