Does DirectShow knowledge necessary for writting mindriver/miniport driver


I am new to Windows Driver Development Environment. I am involved in
writting the Mini Driver for Video Capturing device for our custom made

My question is : If I write Mini Driver then does it includes Kernel
Streaming Architecture(DirectShow concept).

How does MiniDriver talks to upper layer Class Driver(DirectShow)??

Does it really important for me get idea of DirectShow for writting Kernel
Streaming drivers.

Please help me. I am very confused with this…

Shikha S.

Did you try to search DDK?

My quick search for “Kernel Streaming DirectShow” returned with ~50 hits.
The most basic seems to be at
Streaming Devices -> Reference -> Kernel Streaming Proxy.

– Max.

— Shikha wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to Windows Driver Development Environment. I am involved in
> writting the Mini Driver for Video Capturing device for our custom made
> board.
> My question is : If I write Mini Driver then does it includes Kernel
> Streaming Architecture(DirectShow concept).
> How does MiniDriver talks to upper layer Class Driver(DirectShow)??
> Does it really important for me get idea of DirectShow for writting Kernel
> Streaming drivers.
> Please help me. I am very confused with this…
> Shikha S.
> —
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> How does MiniDriver talks to upper layer Class Driver(DirectShow)??

Does it really important for me get idea of DirectShow for writting
Streaming drivers.

Surely. At least you must code the correct pin descriptors (which
describe the data format and the data transport means) in your driver.


See the TESTCAP sample from DDK, it helps you.


I am new to Windows Driver Development Environment. I am involved in
writting the Mini Driver for Video Capturing device for our custom made

My question is : If I write Mini Driver then does it includes Kernel
Streaming Architecture(DirectShow concept).

How does MiniDriver talks to upper layer Class Driver(DirectShow)??

using StreanClass* functions

Does it really important for me get idea of DirectShow for writting Kernel
Streaming drivers.
it could be useful for testing

Please help me. I am very confused with this…

Shikha S.