Does anyone success to register ""The registration for the Windows Hardware Developer Program"?

Does anyone success to register "“The registration for the Windows Hardware Developer Program” ?

I tried to register but can’t click on Next at this step:

Anyone can give me some guide?

Thanks much.

Uhh, your best bet is, IIRC, an Incognito window with a new account…

I had so much trouble with this in every company (if they don’t develop
drivers, I do Hw program stuff, because Azure admins mess it up) and each
time it was a different problem…
Once I was able to get help from Azure support and sort it. Other times we
gave up and just made a new account.

Note: there might be a random error this time, that soneone else is aware
of. I am generalizing.

Regards, Dejan.

Can you please describe step by step how to create a new account to be able to proceed the “The registration for the Windows Hardware Developer Program”?

I've created several company accounts as Partner, but still no success :frowning:

I've used the "Attestation signing of Windows device driver: An unofficial guide" article in 2021, but MS reorganized the process and it's different now.

We opened a case with Microsoft, the support replied that it's a known issue and there's no ETA for the fix.

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