Differences between Win Server and Client when adding a print monitor

Using a modified LocalMon sample, with Vista and XP, everything is
perfectly fine.

However, with Win2003 Server, I get this when calling AddMonitor():
“3007L ERROR_INVALID_PRINT_MONITOR The specified print monitor does
not have the required functions.”

This is my second attempt at coughing up a port monitor for Win2k3
Server (w/Terminal Services installed if that matters). What is the
big secret here?

Ideally, I’d like to just use a NUL: port (see my previous posting
here), but the bitmap sample (using UniDrv) throws a fit and flat out
refuse to run in such a setting. It’ll accept FILE: and my own port
monitor (under Vista and XP), but it won’t accept a NUL port created
with LocalMon.

Anyway, if anyone knows what the difference between server and client
is, I’d like to know. Thanks in advance.


Uhm, scratch my previous posting.

I had compiled a x64 version for my own system, but the 32-bit DLL was
a bit out of date. So a clear case of user error there. Sorry!

I still need some clues as to why the bitmap sample refuses to print
to a regular NUL port though…
