
I’m writing my very first device driver (hey everybody has to start
somewhere) in which I’m attempting to create the necessary relationship(s)
between a fault tolerant group once a segment of user code has executed
that starts the ftdisk service (i.e. the \Device\HarddiskX\FtX and it’s
associated \Device\HarddiskX\PartitionX). I’ve been able to create and
attach the new device to the portion of the FT group that will become the
mirror but everytime I attempt to do the same to the partition that is the
source I always get the BSOD with KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED.

Of course the partition I’m attempting to attach a device to is the one in
question on the subject line so I guess the question I’m asking is this
process even possible since the ftdisk service has already attempted? Why
does every attempt to remove the device in question cause a system fault to
occur? Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
