Device Manager Driver Details

I have a KMDF USB driver and an associated co-installer (not the
WdfCoInstaller0100X.dll although it is in the associated inf also). If I go
to the Details tab of the Device Manager Properties for the driver and look
at Class Coinstallers and Device Coinstallers I see no entries.

Should the WdfCoInstaller0100X.dll show up?

I would like to know why the coinstaller for my driver doesn’t show up?

NOTE: This is more for curiosity than a need for me.


So your co-installer shows up but the KMDF one does not? Is it possible
there’s an error in your INF file?

Try this:

  1. uninstall your driver.
  2. clear setupapi.log and setupact.log in %windir% (or %WINDIR%\inf on
    Vista, where it’s
  3. reinstall your driver for the device.
  4. check the setupapi & setupact log files to be sure that
    WdfCoinstaller0100x.dll was invoked. SetupACT should have output from
    the coinstaller’s installation process. SetupAPI should have some
    mention of invoking WdfCoInstaller0100x.dll


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of David Voeller
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 9:52 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Device Manager Driver Details

I have a KMDF USB driver and an associated co-installer (not the
WdfCoInstaller0100X.dll although it is in the associated inf also). If
I go to the Details tab of the Device Manager Properties for the driver
and look at Class Coinstallers and Device Coinstallers I see no entries.

Should the WdfCoInstaller0100X.dll show up?

I would like to know why the coinstaller for my driver doesn’t show up?

NOTE: This is more for curiosity than a need for me.


Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

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Niether of the coinstallers shows up in the details tab of the drivers property page. The setupapi.log shows the driver’s coinstaller being copied but does not show the wdfcoinstaller0100x.dll associated to my driver at all. The setupact.log file shows the wdfcoinstaller0100x.dll being used for the osrusbfx2 driver but the last message in the log was 5/17/2006.

I know the driver’s coinstaller is working because all 3 of the extra property pages are being displayed in the properties for the driver.

I know the wdf coinstaller is working because the KMDF driver would work if the coinstaller were not in place.

Something else I noticed is if I press the “Driver Details” button on the “Driver” tab, I see the driver file details showing the driver file and the driver’s coinstaller.