Develop miniFilter dirvier, how can i view the output message with PT_DBG_PRINT method??

Develop miniFilter dirvier, how can i view the output message with
PT_DBG_PRINT method??

I build the example PassThrough
“C:\WinDDK\6000\src\filesys\miniFilter\passThrough”. Install it and check
the output message with DBGView, but nothing can be obtained?


Just to be sure, did you build a “Checked Version” of your driver? Not running DBGView as a guest user? You can attach debugger to check if it gets printed. Use a breakpoint at a DbgPrint and see if it works.

Are you running this on Vista/Longhorn/Server 2008? I’m not familiar with the passthrough example, but many of the samples of the samples use DbgPrint, which, by default, does not produce ouput on Vista/Longhorn/Server 2008. In order for it to do so, you have change a kernel variable or a registry setting. I don’t recall the registry setting of the top of my head, but there is a memo on osronline about it. The variable name depends on what group PassThrough falls under, but setting Kd_DEFAULT_Mask to 0x0F will enable all debug output:

ed nt!Kd_DEFAULT_Mask 0x0F.

I don’t really know how DbgView works, but I assume that it is subject to the same rules.

I think this is likely the problem, assuming that you are running on Vista/Longhorn/Server 2008 and, as Maruf asked, you created a checked build.

Good luck,
