determine WDF version in .bat file

I have a bunch of bat files that do builds for all supported
architectures, testsigns, then makes installers (wix) for each arch. The
scripts worked fine under DDK 6001, but the WDF version has changed
under 7600 (1.9 instead of 1.7), so the WdfCoInstaller filename is
different. I can change the filename easily enough, but would like to be
able to determine what the current version (and therefore derive the
coinstaller name) is automatically. It doesn’t seem possible based on
the output of “SET” at the DDK command prompt, but maybe someone here
knows a way?

My main .bat file (makedist.bat) sets up a bunch of environment
variables including an automatically increasing build number and then
does something similar to the following for each combination of arch,
os, and debug/free:

cmd /C “%DDK_PATH%\bin\setenv.bat %DDK_PATH%\ chk WXP && CD /D
“%PV_DIR%” && build -cZg && call sign.bat && call archive.bat && call

sign.bat does the testsigning
archive.bat zips up the .pdb files for debugging / analysing crash dumps
(it happens :slight_smile:
wix.bat buils my msi installer



> It doesn’t seem possible based on

the output of “SET” at the DDK command prompt, but maybe someone here
knows a way?

I think I solved it:

for /F %%x in (‘DIR /B
%BASEDIR%\redist\wdf%_BUILDARCH%\WdfCoInstaller???.dll’) do set

that gives me the coinstaller filename in the WDFFILENAME variable,
which is all I really need.

Now it seems that they moved signtool.exe… maybe this is more trouble
than it’s worth.
