Determine remote windows type is AMD64, IA64 or x86.


part of a backup application for drivers i am faced with the problem of determining the windows type that is running on a remote system accessed which must be separated by AMD64, IA64 or x86 systems. Doing this on a local system is pretty easy by using a couple of well-known windows api funcions. I am not sure on what is the best way to request that information from a remote system, since there are many ways of doing this by using sorts of hacks like “composing” this information heuristically from remote registry information, remote processes or remote files obtained by remote access to the target system. as said there could be many ways, but now i am looking for the most reliable way of doing this. There could be WMI for this, but i couldnt find any classes that could EXPLICITLY offer that kind of information or i missed something in that huge class repository. There is a Win32_Environment-Class that can be used to query the “%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%” variable from “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment”. That also implies that i could query the complete remote registry to see what OS type is running there. I also could access the remote file system by analysing some core os files on their PE layout. But what i am looking for is a documented and/or reliable way. Is there possibly a Windows API that can query that on a remote system except the WMI or remote registry/file system access? I would like to get that information as inexpensive as possible in therms or remote system access/analyse.

Thanks in advance


Yes wimmie will tell you.

Look at class Win32_Processor under root/cim2. The property “Architecture”
(u16_t) tells the CPU arch. It maps to:
0 - i386
6 - Itanic 64
9 - amd64


On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 6:47 AM, wrote:

> Hi,
> part of a backup application for drivers i am faced with the problem of
> determining the windows type that is running on a remote system accessed
> which must be separated by AMD64, IA64 or x86 systems. Doing this on a
> local system is pretty easy by using a couple of well-known windows api
> funcions. I am not sure on what is the best way to request that information
> from a remote system, since there are many ways of doing this by using
> sorts of hacks like “composing” this information heuristically from remote
> registry information, remote processes or remote files obtained by remote
> access to the target system. as said there could be many ways, but now i am
> looking for the most reliable way of doing this. There could be WMI for
> this, but i couldnt find any classes that could EXPLICITLY offer that kind
> of information or i missed something in that huge class repository. There
> is a Win32_Environment-Class that can be used to query the
> “%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%” variable from
> “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session
> Manager\Environment”. That also implies that i could query the complete
> remote registry to see what OS type is running there. I also could access
> the remote file system by analysing some core os files on their PE layout.
> But what i am looking for is a documented and/or reliable way. Is there
> possibly a Windows API that can query that on a remote system except the
> WMI or remote registry/file system access? I would like to get that
> information as inexpensive as possible in therms or remote system
> access/analyse.
> Thanks in advance
> K.
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