Detect System/Boot disks from class filter

I have a storage class filter driver, and I need to know during either AddDevice or IRP_MN_START_DEVICE if the disk is used as the boot or system device so that I can perform special operations within the driver. I am currently using IoGetBootDiskInformation to retrieve the disk signature, and then comparing it to the signature read from the disk.

Unfortunetly, in the rare but possible case of a cloned disk this can cause a problem. Is there a way for me to identify this information using physical device or path information during either of these routines?

See the thread *Identify Physical Boot Disk* where we just discussed this at

Mark Roddy

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 10:39 AM, wrote:

> I have a storage class filter driver, and I need to know during either
> AddDevice or IRP_MN_START_DEVICE if the disk is used as the boot or system
> device so that I can perform special operations within the driver. I am
> currently using IoGetBootDiskInformation to retrieve the disk signature, and
> then comparing it to the signature read from the disk.
> Unfortunetly, in the rare but possible case of a cloned disk this can cause
> a problem. Is there a way for me to identify this information using
> physical device or path information during either of these routines?
> —
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Thank you, looks like I got what I need.