Debugging issue

I’m trying to establish a debug seesion with my Target PC which is
running on Windows XP.To acheive that I have edited the boot.ini of my
target.Following is the boot.ini entry of my Target machine.

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS=“Microsoft Windows XP Professional”
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS=“Microsoft Windows XP Professional”
/fastdetect /debug /debugport=com2 /baudrate=115200

Once after the Target is configured I restarted it and the debugger running on host is
waiting indefinitely to connect to the Target .When I looked in to the
devicemanager of my Target the Com port name has changed from Com2 to Com1(after
the reboot).The vice versa is happening when i edit the boot.ini to com1(changed
from com1 to com2 in device manager).

Please through some light on what could be the problem,Is there anything I have
configured wrongly .
Thanks in advance.

The funny COM port behaviour in device manager is normal: when you set your boot.ini to use a given COM port for debugging, that port will not be visible to Windows, therefore you will see only the other one(s) in device manager. It’s not the name that changes, it’s the port used by the debugger that disappears. Furthermore, the port you specified into boot.ini is the one to use for the debugger connection, even though it’s not visible in device manager anymore.

Your boot.ini seems correct to me, so I can only guess you might be having problems either with the cable or the client machine.

Forgive me for asking, but, are you aware that you must use a special serial cable for this purpose? I think is called a null modem cable or something, I should have a schematic of the wirings somewhere if you are interested (I actually built mine a long time ago).

Hi Enrico,
Thanks a lot for your reply. Im using the Null modem cable.But still I could not connect my host to the target.Could you please share the Schematic of the wiring with me.I will try to make a new cable and let me give it a shot on that also.I would like to thank you once again for your inputs.




thanks peter