You are write , I produce the same output every time the driver hangs .
I have the !thread stack trace . Can I any how get to know which area of
my code is this if , its my code.
BTW, I earlier had 3 Fast Mutes locks used for three link lists , I
switched to Normal Mutex . That too One for all the three. But the
hang output is the same.
Any Ideas???
kd> !locks
KD: Scanning for held locks…
Resource @ nt!CmpRegistryLock (0x8046db80) Shared 1 owning threads
Contention Count = 23
NumberOfSharedWaiters = 1
NumberOfExclusiveWaiters = 3
Threads: 8189d3a0-01<*> 8169aba0-01
Threads Waiting On Exclusive Access:
816924e0 816a1020 816ee160
KD: Scanning for held locks…
Resource @ 0x81856cd4 Shared 1 owning threads
Contention Count = 30
NumberOfSharedWaiters = 7
NumberOfExclusiveWaiters = 1
Threads: 8150d9e0-01<*> 816873a0-01 81607da0-01 8162bae0-01
8189d3a0-01 816d5860-01 8163dcc0-01 81748da0-01
Threads Waiting On Exclusive Access:
KD: Scanning for held
Resource @ 0x815101c8 Shared 1 owning threads
Contention Count = 1
NumberOfExclusiveWaiters = 1
Threads: 8150d9e0-01<*>
Threads Waiting On Exclusive Access:
KD: Scanning for held locks.
Resource @ 0x81898fc0 Shared 1 owning threads
Threads: 8189d8a3-01<*> *** Actual Thread 8189D8A0
1645 total locks, 4 locks currently held
kd> !thread 8150d9e0
THREAD 8150d9e0 Cid 2e0.448 Teb: 7ffd8000 Win32Thread: e2f69848 WAIT:
(Executive) KernelMode Non-Alertable
8155f148 SynchronizationEvent
8150dac8 NotificationTimer
IRP List:
bcc36e48: (0006,01b4) Flags: 00000404 Mdl: 00000000
Not impersonating
Owning Process 81642020
Wait Start TickCount 6071 Elapsed Ticks: 133
Context Switch Count 56 LargeStack
UserTime 0:00:00.0000
KernelTime 0:00:00.0000
Start Address 0x7c4e9824
Win32 Start Address 0x65c4b770
Stack Init f148d000 Current f148c3a0 Base f148d000 Limit f1489000 Call 0
Priority 14 BasePriority 8 PriorityDecrement 6 DecrementCount 16
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
f148c3b8 8042de88 00000000 815101c8 8150d9e0 nt!KiSwapThread+0xc5
f148c3e0 8041766c 8155f148 00000000 00000000
f148c420 80416b4d 815101c8 005101c8 f148c438 nt!ExpWaitForResource+0x1ac
f148c430 80416b92 f148c454 80416b3d 815101c8
f148c438 80416b3d 815101c8 00000001 00000000
f148c454 80416b92 f148c6bc bff05e49 815101c8
f148c45c bff05e49 815101c8 00000001 00000000
f148c6bc bff0ad63 f148c704 bcc36e48 81856800 +0xbff05e49
f148c834 8041fb8b 81856800 bcc36e48 816e9780 +0xbff0ad63
f148c894 8041fb8b 816e9780 bcc36e48 8150c6e8 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x35
f148c8a8 8049d134 80064fac 81896340 00000001 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x35
f148c8dc 804a5d99 81642020 816e9780 00100000 nt!IopCloseFile+0x275
f148c908 8044fbc8 81642020 8150c6d4 8150c6e8
f148c9bc 80465691 00000290 0048ca34 f148ca34 nt!NtClose+0x1f0
f148c9bc 804009d1 00000290 0048ca34 f148ca34 nt!KiSystemService+0xc4
f148ca58 804af3d9 00000001 00000010 e1001610 nt!ZwClose+0xb
f148cba0 8041fb8b 816e9780 bcc00e48 8153d0e8
f148cc0c 80432a6d 816b0ca8 8150d9e0 00000001 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x35
f148cc44 80442c8a f148cc70 65aa9009 00000000 nt!KiUnwaitThread+0xcd
f148cc94 804a0a6a e2f6a000 e2f6a004 00000019
f148ccec 804a07b5 00000000 e2f6a000 8153d040
f148cd4c 80465691 ffffffff 013afc70 013afc7c
f148cd4c 77f8a424 ffffffff 013afc70 013afc7c nt!KiSystemService+0xc4
013afc74 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 +0x77f8a424
-----Original Message-----
From: Graham, Simon []
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 8:10 PM
To: Kernel Debugging Interest List
Subject: RE: [windbg] Deadlock
This one looks bad to me:
Resource @ 0x81631148 Shared 1 owning threads
Contention Count = 1
NumberOfExclusiveWaiters = 1
Threads: 816ee740-01<*>
Threads Waiting On Exclusive Access:
Note the same thread has it shared and is now waiting for exclusive;
definitely worth looking at the stack for this one… (note - if it was
trying to convert shared to exclusive it would have worked since it’s
the only thread with shared access - this looks like two code paths that
don’t expect to be called recursively…)
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Anurag Sarin
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 6:36 AM
To: Kernel Debugging Interest List
Subject: [windbg] Deadlock
Filter Driver Win2k:
Does this output show a dead lock ???
If so can I get to know what are the name of the locks who are in dead
lock ???
Can some one explain me what are the following :
Contention Count
Threads Waiting On Exclusive Access
kd> !locks
KD: Scanning for held locks…
Resource @ nt!CmpRegistryLock (0x8046db80) Shared 1 owning threads
Contention Count = 59
Threads: 8189d3a0-01<*>
KD: Scanning for held locks…
Resource @ 0x81856cd4 Shared 1 owning threads
Contention Count = 95
NumberOfSharedWaiters = 5
NumberOfExclusiveWaiters = 1
Threads: 816ee740-01<*> 816d2da0-01 8189d3a0-01 8189dda0-01
81641ce0-01 81748da0-01
Threads Waiting On Exclusive Access:
KD: Scanning for held
Resource @ 0x81631148 Shared 1 owning threads
Contention Count = 1
NumberOfExclusiveWaiters = 1
Threads: 816ee740-01<*>
Threads Waiting On Exclusive Access:
KD: Scanning for held locks…
Resource @ 0x816596c0 Shared 1 owning threads
Threads: 8189db23-01<*> *** Actual Thread 8189DB20
2592 total locks, 4 locks currently held
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