DbgMon V4.3

I thought I read a thread here about getting DbgMon to work with Vista, but
it was for DebugView by those other guys. My preference is DbgMon since I am
familiar with it, but … It dinna work on Vista laddie. At least I cannot
get it to work. I get the main window, but nothing prints out. Has anyone
used DbgMon on Vista, and what was the “magic” if any to get it to work?

I set it’s properties to run as an Admin, so it is running elevated, and
“sc”, says that the driver is installed.

The personal opinion of
Gary G. Little

Gary, this wouldn’t be related to Hector’s memo about DbgPrint in Vista
and Windbg would it?

DbgMon might be having the same problem as WinDbg.



Gary G. Little wrote:

I thought I read a thread here about getting DbgMon to work with Vista, but
it was for DebugView by those other guys. My preference is DbgMon since I am
familiar with it, but … It dinna work on Vista laddie. At least I cannot
get it to work. I get the main window, but nothing prints out. Has anyone
used DbgMon on Vista, and what was the “magic” if any to get it to work?

I set it’s properties to run as an Admin, so it is running elevated, and
“sc”, says that the driver is installed.

Hey, does that mean that Broadcom’s TPM driver will quit spewing debug print
messages!?!?!?! (sorry Calvin) :slight_smile:

I’ll chek it out as soon as I can get 5536 to install, again.

The personal opinion of
Gary G. Little

“MM” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Gary, this wouldn’t be related to Hector’s memo about DbgPrint in Vista
> and Windbg would it?
> DbgMon might be having the same problem as WinDbg.
> http://www.osronline.com/article.cfm?article=295
> m.
> Gary G. Little wrote:
>>I thought I read a thread here about getting DbgMon to work with Vista,
>>but it was for DebugView by those other guys. My preference is DbgMon
>>since I am familiar with it, but … It dinna work on Vista laddie. At
>>least I cannot get it to work. I get the main window, but nothing prints
>>out. Has anyone used DbgMon on Vista, and what was the “magic” if any to
>>get it to work?
>>I set it’s properties to run as an Admin, so it is running elevated, and
>>“sc”, says that the driver is installed.