My customer-facing installer program for our kernel-mode software
drivers (not hardware device drivers) is a 32-bit SETUP.EXE so that
everyone launches our install the same way. That 32-bit SETUP.EXE
does everything it can running AsInvoker, then when the time is right
it respawns itself elevated with the ShellExecute RunAs verb.
The elevated copy of this 32-bit SETUP.EXE then does the heavy
lifting, including spawning a 32-bit or 64-bit child process depending
on which CPU flavor of Windows we’re running on. (From our own
installation set’s .\i386\ versus .\amd64\ directory; not SYSTEM32 or
anything that is subject to WOW64 folder redirection.) This helper
child process invokes the actual driver installation(s) via SETUPAPI,
calls some needed INetCfg APIs, etc.
What I never noticed before is that when I CreateProcess from the
32-bit SETUP.EXE to create a 64-bit child process, passing NULL for
the environment block parameter does /literally/ what the
documentation has always said it does, which is that the child process
gets a copy of the parent process’ environment block.
Even though the environment variables are all WRONG for a 64-bit
process. i.e. “CommonProgramFiles”, “CommonProgramW6432”,
“ProgramFiles”, “ProgramW6432”, “PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE” and
“PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432” are all swapped / backwards from what they
should be on a 64-bit process.
I don’t see any discussion of this here or on MSDN. Definitely I can
“brute force” create a custom environment block when spawning the
process, but I guess I was more expecting that there would be a new
process create flag or something that says “generate CPU-appropriate
environment block” when calling CreateProcess. Since in theory the
caller doesn’t necessarily /know/ whether the created process will
ultimately be 32-bit or 64-bit, since it depends on what executable
image gets found first in the PATH, etc.
Anyone have experience tackling this before, or something I’m missing
that would create the more appropriate environment when calling
For what it’s worth, the installer code has been working fine for
years even with “the wrong environment block” on 64-bit Windows. But
this week we learned of “that one customer” having an issue, and a
Process Monitor log of their failing install shows that my otherwise
64-bit helper .EXE which calls SETUPAPI to process some sections of
our .INF is ultimately writing “C:\Program Files (x86)”-based paths in
response to the .INF processing, when he should have been writing
“C:\Program Files” because he’s a 64-bit process / a 64-bit SETUPAPI
being invoked.
Alan Adams
Novell Client CPR Group
Novell, Inc.