Could ask a fs hook vxd problem here?

I’m developing a filesystem hook with VToolsD.i want to develop a file
system redirecter.that means when user open a.txt,OS return opening b.txt
to the user according to some rules.How can i replace the path in my hook
function? i meet trouble.when i double click the a.txt,a message box pops
up,"a.txt does not exist?create a new one?"hehe… want you help.
best regards.

Hello Cat,

Friday, May 10, 2002, 7:29:57 AM, you wrote:

CC> I’m developing a filesystem hook with VToolsD.i want to develop a file
CC> system redirecter.that means when user open a.txt,OS return opening b.txt
CC> to the user according to some rules

If I’m not mistaken (it was … years ago for me), the Win9x path is constructed with
parsed unicode strings (subpaths). I’ve recreated the path as the
sequence of these structures and send that down. I used only DDK, not
VToolsD (may be there are some functions that can simplify this…)

Best regards,