Converting SID from textual/string to binary


The platform SDK documents the “ConvertSidToStringSid()” and the
“ConvertStringSidToSid()” functions. Are there any kernel-mode
equivalents of these.

I have been able to find/use the undocumented API -
“RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString()”, but not its reverse.

Any help/pointers will be appreciated. Thanks.


At 21.04 06/05/2002, you wrote:

The platform SDK documents the “ConvertSidToStringSid()” and the
“ConvertStringSidToSid()” functions. Are there any kernel-mode
equivalents of these.
I have been able to find/use the undocumented API -
“RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString()”, but not its reverse.

hold on, I’m writing a kernel mode implementation of the SDDL (it’s a
language that defines the string format for security descriptors, SIDs,
ACLs and ACEs), that is currently only available for Win32. If you can’t
wait until it’s ready, well, the SID string format is documented, and the
Rtl functions that examine SIDs have obvious prototypes