Connecting to VirtualBox keeps Failing?


I need to use VIrtualBox instead of the VirtualPC because the OS type I want is on the VirtualBox. I’ve debug this in the past, had this problem in the past but kernel / resync fixed it. this time it does nothing. Interesting, even though it says it’s not connected, I can hit break and it breaks, but stays in waiting to connect so the VM is now dead, and the windbg doesn’t do anything. So frustrating!! Any ideas? Is there any cache to clear or something like that (it was weird when I switch over from VirtualPC to VirtualBox using the same windbg setup, it reverted to something I used in the past for that machine).

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Waiting for pipe \.\pipe\debugpipe
Waiting to reconnect…
BD: Boot Debugger Initialized
Connected to Windows Boot Debugger 7601 x64 target at (Fri Feb 22 19:29:48.013 2019 (UTC - 8:00)), ptr64 TRUE
Kernel Debugger connection established.
Symbol search path is: srvc:\windbg\symbols
Executable search path is:
Windows Boot Debugger Kernel Version 7601 UP Free x64
Machine Name:
Primary image base = 0x00000000002fc000 Loaded module list = 0x00000000003b5fa0
System Uptime: not available
Shutdown occurred at (Fri Feb 22 19:29:52.488 2019 (UTC - 8:00))…unloading all symbol tables.
Waiting to reconnect…

you are probably stuck in boot loading stage
are you boot debugging if not do bcdedit set /bootdebugging off on
the target machine

and windbg version 6.12 is tooo tooo old please upgrade windbg to
something newer than 6.12

I deleted all the workspaces and now it’s working again. I have to use the older version so registers show up, the newer versions it’s blank. On Win7 x64.