Connecting to a interrupt vector which is allocated to other device driver

Hai All,

I need to develop a driver which gets loaded dynamically using
CreateService and it needs to connect with the the interrupt vector which
is allocated to another device driver by the windows.

I need the above because I need to control a device through the newly
loaded driver which in not WDM driver, so I think that I need to stop the
present driver by using StopService or some other setupdixxx functions.
But I need to know the interrupt details of the driver which I am going to

I went through the help and I found HalGetInterruptVector() does any one
help me by telling how much help I can take from this function.

Any kind of information would be helpful.


I think that you want a different approach. Find out which raw resources
the device is using. Then claim those raw resources yourself. Then use
your translated resources. You’ll have what you’re looking for.

Jake Oshins
Windows Base Kernel Team

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“kedar” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hai All,
> I need to develop a driver which gets loaded dynamically using
> CreateService and it needs to connect with the the interrupt vector which
> is allocated to another device driver by the windows.
> I need the above because I need to control a device through the newly
> loaded driver which in not WDM driver, so I think that I need to stop the
> present driver by using StopService or some other setupdixxx functions.
> But I need to know the interrupt details of the driver which I am going to
> disable.
> I went through the help and I found HalGetInterruptVector() does any one
> help me by telling how much help I can take from this function.
> Any kind of information would be helpful.
> Regards,
> Kedar.