conditional break point

I have put a conditional breakpoint

bp nt!CcCanIWrite “j poi(@fs:[124])=0x856963f8 ‘!thread’;‘gc’”

for stopping the debugger when CcCanIWrite is executed by a particular
thread. But after i set this breakpoint the system goes into hang state.
Experts please tell me what i am doing wrong. the version of windbg i am
using is 6.6.0007.5

If you want to restrict a breakpoint to a particular thread, it would be simpler to just use bp /t ETHREAD […].

I suspect you might be running into trouble because conditional breakpoints take time to evaluate and as such, using them on “hot” code paths is often not the best experience due to the slowdown involved.

Ken Johnson (Skywing)
Windows SDK MVP
“Rohit” wrote in message news:xxxxx@windbg…

I have put a conditional breakpoint

bp nt!CcCanIWrite “j poi(@fs:[124])=0x856963f8 ‘!thread’;‘gc’”

for stopping the debugger when CcCanIWrite is executed by a particular thread. But after i set this breakpoint the system goes into hang state.
Experts please tell me what i am doing wrong. the version of windbg i am using is 6.6.0007.5