Compiling NT4 driver for alpha


I have VS and DDK for alpha installed and when I tried to compile the sample
source it says to install Win32 SDK. Then I tried to get it from MSDN and it
has bunch of SDK to download but none of them says about alpha processor. I
have an old SDK of 2001 and that does not work. I’m not in a position to
download each SDK and see whether that works for alpha, does any one have
any idea which SDK I need to download? I have got the compiler (VS) and DDK
installed, I’m only interested in compiling kernel mode driver, any known


“Hakim” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hi,
> I need to compile my NT4 driver for Alpha proc machine. I’m using NT DDK
> on a XP machine. I have no problem for x86 but I can not do for Alpha
> processor. I found that NT4 ddk install does not copy alpha library if it
> sees x86 proc, so I copied directly that lib. I tried to complie DDK’s
> serial source and the log is as following:
> BUILD: Examining c:\nt4-ddk\src\comm\serial directory for files to
> compile. (2nd Pass)
> Compiling c:\nt4-ddk\src\comm\serial directory ********************
> ‘nmake.exe /c BUILDMSG=Stop. -i NTTEST= UMTEST= NOLINK=1 NOPASS0=1
> ALPHA=1’
> ClAlpha .\error.c " cl -cbstring -nologo -d2"switch
> nocheck" -Ialpha\ -I. -I…\inc -IC:\NT4-DDK\inc -IC:\NT4-DDK\inc -IC:\NT4-DDK\inc
> -DNT_UP=1 -DNT_INST=0 -DWIN32=100 -D_NT1X_=100 -DWINNT=1 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400
> -DSRVDBG /c /Zel /Zp8 /Gy /GX- /GR- /GF /W3 -Z7 /Od
> -D stdcall= -D cdecl= /Gt0 -DFPO=1 -FIC:\NT4-DDK\inc\warning.h “
> Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option ‘/Gt0’
> error.c
> fatal error C1007: unrecognized flag ‘-switch nocheck’ in ‘p2’
> ClAlpha .\flush.c " cl -cbstring -nologo -d2"switch
> nocheck” -Ialpha\ -I. -I…\inc -IC:\NT4-DDK\inc -IC:\NT4-DDK\inc -IC:\NT4-DDK\inc
> -DNT_UP=1 -DNT_INST=0 -DWIN32=100 -D_NT1X_=100 -DWINNT=1 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400
> -DSRVDBG /c /Zel /Zp8 /Gy /GX- /GR- /GF /W3 -Z7 /Od
> -D stdcall= -D cdecl= /Gt0 -DFPO=1 -FIC:\NT4-DDK\inc\warning.h “
> Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option ‘/Gt0’
> flush.c
> fatal error C1007: unrecognized flag ‘-switch nocheck’ in ‘p2’
> ClAlpha .\immediat.c " cl -cbstring -nologo -d2"switch
> ocheck” -Ialpha\ -I. -I…\inc -IC:\NT4-DDK\inc -IC:\NT4-DDK\inc -IC:\NT4-DDK\inc
> -DNT_UP=1 -DNT_INST=0 -DWIN32=100 -D_NT1X_=100 -DWINNT=1 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400
> -DSRVDBG /c /Zel /Zp8 /Gy /GX- /GR- /GF /W3 -Z7 /Od
> -D stdcall= -D cdecl= /Gt0 -DFPO=1 -FIC:\NT4-DDK\inc\warning.h "
> Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option ‘/Gt0’
> ---------------
> Any hints to compile NT4 driver for alpha proc in a x86 DDK setup?
> Thanks,
> Hakim

Hakim wrote:


I have VS and DDK for alpha installed and when I tried to compile the sample
source it says to install Win32 SDK. Then I tried to get it from MSDN and it
has bunch of SDK to download but none of them says about alpha processor. I
have an old SDK of 2001 and that does not work.

It has to be before that. Alpha support was dropped after NT 4.0 SP 4
but before Windows 2000. You’ll need something in the late 1990s.

I’m not convinced you actually need anything from the SDK, much less any
object code. Most drivers are pretty well self-contained. Is there a
user-mode component along with this driver? Have you trying setting the
SDK include path to your 2001 SDK to see if it flies?

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Yes, I rolled back to plain NT4 and Visual Studio installed SP3 before
installing itself.
I tried to compile DDK’s own sample ‘serial’, it has no user mode stuff.

I’m not convinced you actually need anything from the SDK, much less any
object code.

So do I, but build looks for SDK path etc.

Have you trying setting the SDK include path to your 2001 SDK to see if it

All it says that the executable for setup is not for this machine. Do you
have any idea of what version of SDK will run in Alpha? I can download that
and install.


“Tim Roberts” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hakim wrote:
>>I have VS and DDK for alpha installed and when I tried to compile the
>>sample source it says to install Win32 SDK. Then I tried to get it from
>>MSDN and it has bunch of SDK to download but none of them says about alpha
>>processor. I have an old SDK of 2001 and that does not work.
> It has to be before that. Alpha support was dropped after NT 4.0 SP 4 but
> before Windows 2000. You’ll need something in the late 1990s.
> I’m not convinced you actually need anything from the SDK, much less any
> object code. Most drivers are pretty well self-contained. Is there a
> user-mode component along with this driver? Have you trying setting the
> SDK include path to your 2001 SDK to see if it flies?
> –
> Tim Roberts,
> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.