Communication from user mode app to WDDM Miniport

This is for Windows 7…

I would like to retrieve a handful of DWORDs from my WDDM Display Miniport from a user mode application for a special operation…

If not is it possible to just have the user mode app send a custom command or message to the miniport?

Have you tried DX escape commands? Those get routed to the miniport


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 7:37 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Communication from user mode app to WDDM Miniport

This is for Windows 7…

I would like to retrieve a handful of DWORDs from my WDDM Display Miniport from a user mode application for a special operation…

If not is it possible to just have the user mode app send a custom command or message to the miniport?

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Do you mean a DirectX Escape? I’m having trouble finding the right thing using Google.