communication between lower disk filter and the drive

I need to send some information along with each io request (read/write) that my lower disk filter receives to the disk drive (ATA/SCSI). Is there any field in the IRP, SRB etc that I can use? Thank you.

>receives to the disk drive (ATA/SCSI). Is there any field in the IRP, SRB etc that I can use?

When the lower filter gets the request, it should handicraft another IRP+SRB and send the command to the drive.

Then, when this command will be complete, the filter should send down the original request.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP

Thanks Maxim. This was the first idea that came to my mind also but since I need to do this with every read/write it appeared to me (at least conceptually) a significant overhead. Yeah I do not have any # as of now to quantify the overhead.