com port "in use"

I installed a modem driver in my pc(window xp),
it created a virual com port(port 5).
Then I uninstalled and installed the driver again.
It created a another virual com port (port 6).
And I can see port 5 is “in use” in Device Manager.
I think I uninstalled the driver successful and I
serched the Register for com port 5.
But I can not find it.
So why it happened?And where is the info about com 5 in Windows.

How are you uninstalling the modem driver? Physically removing the hardware from the machine or using the uninstall option in device manager?


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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 1:05 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] com port “in use”

I installed a modem driver in my pc(window xp),
it created a virual com port(port 5).
Then I uninstalled and installed the driver again.
It created a another virual com port (port 6).
And I can see port 5 is “in use” in Device Manager.
I think I uninstalled the driver successful and I
serched the Register for com port 5.
But I can not find it.
So why it happened?And where is the info about com 5 in Windows.

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JianWu He wrote:

I think I uninstalled the driver successful and I serched the Register for
com port 5. But I can not find it.

That’s because this information is stored in a huge binary blob in the “COM Name Arbiter” key.

If you aren’t seeing your COM ports being reclaimed after you uninstall, then I don’t think you’ve really uninstalled “successfully” as you claimed.


That’s because this information is stored in a huge binary blob in the “COM Name
Arbiter” key.

I find the “COM Name Arbiter” key in Register.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\COM Name Arbiter COMdb key
Is that right?
And because I installed and uninstalled the modem driver many times.
now lots of com ports are “in use”.
How can I do if I uninstall the driver,the com port is free and do not show “in use” again.
I see the COMdb key,it is a huge binary,but I do not know what is the value means.

I got it.And I solve the problem if I change the key(COM Name Arbiter COMdb).

This fixes the symptom, not the root cause and you shoyl never touch this value in shipping code. How did you uninstall the modem?


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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 6:38 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] com port “in use”

I got it.And I solve the problem if I change the key(COM Name Arbiter COMdb).

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I uninstalled the driver in Add or Remove program in Control Panel.
And also I tried unistall the modem in Device Manager.
But the com port was still “in use” .

Add/remove programs will not free the port because it probably will not uninstall the devnode. Unindstall in device manager should free the port though. Is the ports co installer listed as a device or class coinstaller?


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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 8:06 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] com port “in use”

I uninstalled the driver in Add or Remove program in Control Panel.
And also I tried unistall the modem in Device Manager.
But the com port was still “in use” .

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the ports co installer listed as a device
And I tried release the com port use the function “ComDBReleasePort”
in pnp_remove and claim the com port with the function"ComDBClaimPort" in Adddevice()
But it has a probelm,the driver can not install correct.

Those apis are user mode apis, not km. If the ports coinstaller is listed, it will call these at the right time during install/uninstall. Is the PortName value written out for you in the devnode?


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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 11:29 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] com port “in use”

the ports co installer listed as a device
And I tried release the com port use the function “ComDBReleasePort”
in pnp_remove and claim the com port with the function"ComDBClaimPort" in Adddevice()
But it has a probelm,the driver can not install correct.

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>Is the PortName value written out for you in the devnode?
yes, I think so.the driver is work well except this(the com port number increase every time when unisntall and install driver)

Hi,Doron :
I made a mistake,and it is OK if I reomve the modem in Device Manager.
I used Installsheild to put the driver into a msi file.
I use the msi file install and uninstall the driver.the com port number will increase .
But if I remove the modem in device manager,it is OK.
So maybe there is some problem with the Installshiled?

Apparently so. Perhaps install shield is disabling the device node instead of uninstaling it. Maybe you need to write a custom action to do this correctly.


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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 1:08 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] com port “in use”

Hi,Doron :
I made a mistake,and it is OK if I reomve the modem in Device Manager.
I used Installsheild to put the driver into a msi file.
I use the msi file install and uninstall the driver.the com port number will increase .
But if I remove the modem in device manager,it is OK.
So maybe there is some problem with the Installshiled?

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I think so ,and I will take a try.