Hello everybody!
I understand, when a user-mode program calls DebugBreak, the following possible actions will occur:
- If a user-mode debugger is attached, the program will break into the debugger. This means that the program will pause and the debugger will become active.
- If a user-mode debugger is not attached, but kernel-mode debugging was enabled at boot time, the entire computer will break into the kernel debugger. If a kernel debugger is not attached, the computer will freeze and await a kernel debugger.
This issue was discussed in detail in the thread: https://community.osr.com/discussion/262745/debugbreak-int-3-and-process-command
I have an application that has its own user mode debugger attached. This application can only function with its user mode debugger. I need to trace this application. I cannot connect a user-mode debugger to it, since it already has its own debugger. Kernel debugging mode also cannot be used, since breakpoints are processed first by the user-mode debugger and the root-mode debugger is not called.
The question arises. Is there any way to change the priority of calling debuggers? I want the kernel mode debugger to always be called first, followed by the user mode debugger (if available).