certificate is not trusted by the trust provider.


This has come up before in this forum but I cannot find an answer.

I have a cerrificate from GlobalSign and I have been using the following to sign the catalog.

bin\x86\signtool.exe sign /a /v /ac MSCV-GlobalSign.cer /v /s my /n “My Certificate” /t http://timestamp.globalsign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll driver.cat

When using devcon I receive the error.

sig: 15:00:47.069 Success: File is signed in Authenticode™ catalog.
sig: 15:00:47.072 Error 0xe0000242: The publisher of an Authenticode™ signed catalog has not yet been established as trusted.

I assume GlobalSign is trusted. However I have read that I should put the certificate in a root-trusted category. I don’t think this is a practical solution for every user computer.

Thankyou so very much,

On 11-Mar-2012 17:23, xxxxx@hotmail.com wrote:

When using devcon I receive the error.

sig: 15:00:47.069 Success: File is signed in Authenticode™ catalog.
sig: 15:00:47.072 Error 0xe0000242: The publisher of an Authenticode™ signed catalog has not yet been established as trusted.

I assume GlobalSign is trusted. However I have read that I should put the certificate in a root-trusted category. I don’t think this is a practical solution for every user computer.

Then use dpinst or other method that won’t suppress the nagging UI.
If the cert is not yet known to the end user’s machine, there will be
“do you trust this publisher” popup. It will auto-fail when popups are
– pa

I understand.

I was looking at the wrong error. ‘devcon.exe failed.’ and I saw a lot of these errors. Thankyou so very much.