Hi All,
I would like to know is it possible to capture ACPI notification via user application?.
Basically what i am trying is – whenever OS gets ACPI notification, same should be capture by my application and get the detail of ACPI event.
is there any win32Api call available for the same or any other method to obtain the same.
Any resource like link/blog or sample code available please do share the information.
Thanks & Regards,
All notifications or specific ones? Nothing is exposed directly to user mode
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Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2014 10:25 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Capturing ACPI Notification
Hi All,
I would like to know is it possible to capture ACPI notification via user application?.
Basically what i am trying is – whenever OS gets ACPI notification, same should be capture by my application and get the detail of ACPI event.
is there any win32Api call available for the same or any other method to obtain the same.
Any resource like link/blog or sample code available please do share the information.
Thanks & Regards,
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@Doron Holon
I would like to get notified about all ACPI events.
I may not perform operation on receiving all ACPI but i would like to get notified.
is it possible to register particular ACPI event and get notified for the same?
What bigger problem are you trying to solve?
Bent from my phone
From: xxxxx@gmail.commailto:xxxxx
Sent: ?10/?5/?2014 10:56 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest Listmailto:xxxxx
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Capturing ACPI Notification
@Doron Holon
I would like to get notified about all ACPI events.
I may not perform operation on receiving all ACPI but i would like to get notified.
is it possible to register particular ACPI event and get notified for the same?
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I have an application which has to be invoked for certain ACPI notification.
So developing service which monitors for certain ACPI notification and which invoke my application.
Do you have control of the BIOS, or do you know which events/items the ACPI BIOS exports?
You can export events via the ACPI-to-WMI Mapper:
and sample ASL at: