Can't not find the Win8 Memory.dmp file

Hi, all,

I have enabled the memory dump to “kernel dump”.

It seems that only “AlwaysEnalbeCrashDump” is created, then Memory Dump file is created.

Other wise, it will no memory dump file, but only minidump file.


If any comments, still welcome.

I’m not sure what are you exactly asking about. Windows 7 introduced
policy that suppose to save disk space by not storing non-mini memory
dumps if amount of free disk space is below 25 GB. So this policy
doesn’t kick in if you have more than 25 GB of free disk space or
it’s a server system or it’s in a domain or mentioned
AlwaysKeepMemoryDump registry value set to 1.


On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 7:52 AM, wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I have enabled the memory dump to “kernel dump”.
> It seems that only “AlwaysEnalbeCrashDump” is created, then Memory Dump file is created.
> Other wise, it will no memory dump file, but only minidump file.
> FYI.
> If any comments, still welcome.
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Thank you.

I just confirm it.

Before I set this register on Win8, I could not find any memory.dmp in system root.

after it ,it is appear, when manually trigger by Keyboard.