Can't find fltkd.dll for Windows Server 2003

I am trying to debug a crash dump for Windows Server 2003 Kernel Version
3790 (Service Pack 1).
The stack trace shows calls into the NTFS file system. I am trying to see
if there are any filters managed by fltMgr so I loaded the fltkd.dll
debugger extension but go this error:

0: kd> .load fltkd
0: kd> !frames

*** Extension DLL(6526 Free) does not match target system(3790 Free)

I have spent hours searching the internet, microsoft and OSRonline and have
been able to find a version of this extension that will work with W2k3 sp1.
Does this version of the extension even exist? If so, where can I find it?

Best Regards,

Sadly, this is pretty common. In my experience it is always the extension
that you think would be incredibly helpful which is broken.

Often that warning can be ignored, however the extensions very often require
the private symbols which are only available inside microsoft. I have
*never* been able to get fltkd to work and it has usually been because of

I have often wondered which is the more frustrating, not having the tool you
need or knowing that the tools exists but that you cannot use it.

“Joe Stivaletta” wrote in message news:xxxxx@windbg…
>I am trying to debug a crash dump for Windows Server 2003 Kernel Version
>3790 (Service Pack 1).
> The stack trace shows calls into the NTFS file system. I am trying to see
> if there are any filters managed by fltMgr so I loaded the fltkd.dll
> debugger extension but go this error:
> 0: kd> .load fltkd
> 0: kd> !frames
> *** Extension DLL(6526 Free) does not match target system(3790 Free)
> I have spent hours searching the internet, microsoft and OSRonline and
> have been able to find a version of this extension that will work with
> W2k3 sp1. Does this version of the extension even exist? If so, where can
> I find it?
> Best Regards,
> Joe

Rod Widdowson wrote:

I have often wondered which is the more frustrating, not having the tool you
need or knowing that the tools exists but that you cannot use it.

Wish this be the most frustrating thing you’ll know…
