Cannot get Lcn values via ZwFsControlFile() and FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS

I cannot get ZwFsControlFile()to return Lcn?s on a FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS call. It keeps returning 0.

In UM, I execute the following and get the values shown, and I have confirmed they are correct by examining the raw disk:

hFile= CreateFile(L"r:\Test.txt", FILE_READ_DATA, 0, NULL,
BOOL bRetval= DeviceIoControl(hFile,
sizeof(startingVcn), pRerievalPointers,
cbRerievalPointers, &dwBytesReturned, NULL);

DeviceIoControl() returns TRUE, with dwBytesReturned=0x20 and the following values in pRerievalPointers:
ExtentCount: 1
StartingVcn: 0
Extents[0].NextVcn: 0x4
Extents[0].Lcn: 0x7242E

However, in KM, ZwFsControlFile() returns zero (0) for pRerievalPointers->Extents.Lcn

InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjAttribs, & UnicodeFileName,
ntStatus= IoCreateFile(&hFile, FILE_ALL_ACCESS, &ObjAttribs,
&IoStatusBlock, NULL, 0, 0, FILE_OPEN, 0, NULL, 0,
CreateFileTypeNone, NULL,
ntStatus= ZwFsControlFile(hFileStream, NULL, NULL, NULL,
&startingVcn, sizeof(startingVcn),
pRerievalPointers, cbRerievalPointers);

ZwFsControlFile() returns STATUS_SUCCESS, with IoStatusBlock.Information=0x20 and the following values in pRerievalPointers:
ExtentCount: 1
StartingVcn: 0
Extents[0].NextVcn: 0x4
Extents[0].Lcn= 0 **** NOTE 0

The test data file (r:\Test.tx) is not compressed and is not sparse. It is a file with normal attributes. It resides on an NTFS (3.1) volume. The file is overr 1KB and the data attribute is not resident. I appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.

Stupid me. This worked fine. I was just printing the numbers out incorrectly (in the debugger).