canceling IRP in minifilter.....!!!!!

i m just a new bee in this era…!!!

i m stuck in middle of no-where…!!!

how to cancel the IRP in mini-filter…???

in legacy filter structure…!! it is easy…!!!

but how can i do the same in mini-filter…???

CancelFileOpen() is one way but that sems to close newly open file…!!! and i donot allow to open that file and trap in the begning…!!!

CancelIo() seeems to be tricky cos it invloves a cancel routine…!!!

please can u help me…in this problem…!!!

thanks in advance…

> in legacy filter structure…!! it is easy…!!!

Do you mean “IoCancelIrp”? Well, this is only applicable to IRPs that you
own. The FilterManager pendant is “FltCancelIo”…just as easy, but only
applicable to IO-requets that you initiated.

yaa FLtCancelIO() function function works…
but it simply call cancel routine and set the cancel bit in the corroosponding IRP…

but i want to avoid cancel routine…!!

just want to do as usualy d in legacy filter drivers…

setting IRP’s status bit to STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED…and return the same with seting information filed…!!

m i right…???

so is there any straight forward path to do same…!!!


i m new in this area so keep this in consideration while answering…!!!

thank u…!!!


You don’t want to *cancel* an IRP, but *complete* it. An IRP in
FilterManager’s world is the CallbackData. So do it like this:

PVOID *CompletionContext
if (…)
Data->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;
Data->IoStatus.Information = 0;

schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> yaa FLtCancelIO() function function works…
> but it simply call cancel routine and set the cancel bit in the
> corroosponding IRP…
> but i want to avoid cancel routine…!!
> just want to do as usualy d in legacy filter drivers…
> setting IRP’s status bit to STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED…and return the same
> with seting information filed…!!
> m i right…???
> so is there any straight forward path to do same…!!!
> !!!
> i m new in this area so keep this in consideration while answering…!!!
> thank u…!!!
> :slight_smile: