Can we base E100BEX DDK sample to develop driver for Realtek RTL 8139

Hi all,

I am a newbie in driver developement.I am trying to write a
driver for Realtek RTL 8139 NIC by modifying the DDK sample code E100BEX.( I
am not including the mp_pm.lib). In Miniport initialize function i found
NdisMQueryAdapterResources returning sucess and When I tried to assign the
memory after that i got BSOD and the Bug Check code is 0x0000001e.

Bug Details

Realtek sample Driver Entry Routine
Thu Sep 14 10:25:30.875 2006 (GMT+6): Success in DriverEntry
Thu Sep 14 10:25:30.968 2006 (GMT+6): Sucess in the RltkAllocAdapter routine
Thu Sep 14 10:25:30.968 2006 (GMT+6): Success in RlTkNICReadRegParameters
Thu Sep 14 10:25:30.984 2006 (GMT+6): Entering into the Find adapter routine
Thu Sep 14 10:25:30.984 2006 (GMT+6): Adapter is found -
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.000 2006 (GMT+6): IoBaseAddress = 0xe400
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.000 2006 (GMT+6): IoRange = x100
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.015 2006 (GMT+6): Realtek’s Memory Range
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.015 2006 (GMT+6): Realtek’s Memory Length : 100
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.015 2006 (GMT+6): MemPhysAddress(Low) = 0xe7101000
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.031 2006 (GMT+6): MemPhysAddress(High) = 0x0
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.031 2006 (GMT+6): InterruptLevel = x7
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.046 2006 (GMT+6): <— FindRealtek Adapter, Status=0
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.062 2006 (GMT+6):
*** Fatal System Error: 0x0000001e

Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.265 2006 (GMT+6): Break instruction exception - code
80000003 (first chance)

Bugcheck Analysis

Bugcheck code 0000001E
Arguments c0000005 00000000 00000000 00000000

ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
ed43eff0 8042c507 00000003 ed43f038 c0000005
ed43f020 8042c8cb 00000003 804095d8 00000000 nt!KiBugCheckDebugBreak+0x31
ed43f3ac 804559bc 0000001e c0000005 00000000 nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x390
ed43f3c4 80455a3c ed43f3ec 80460bd7 ed43f3f4
ed43fddc 80469bb2 804190f0 00000001 00000000 nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x5e
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 nt!KiThreadStartup+0x16

80456488 cc int 3

I tried

I referred this bugcheck code in the ddtools in DDK help. And from
0xC0000005 i understood that

it is bcoz of a memory access violation and as per the reference it says
that 4 th parameter

describes the address that driver attempted to access. ???

Please give me advice.

Thanks in advance

You are referencing a null pointer. In general it would be a good idea to
post the output from windbg’s analyze -v command if you want help on a
bugcheck. The code segment from the offending region would also help.

Mark Roddy DDK MVP
Windows 2003/XP/2000 Consulting
Hollis Technology Solutions 603-321-1032

[] On Behalf Of vimalraj s
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 2:25 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Can we base E100BEX DDK sample to develop driver for
Realtek RTL 8139

Hi all,

I am a newbie in driver developement.I am trying to write a
driver for Realtek RTL 8139 NIC by modifying the DDK sample code E100BEX.( I
am not including the mp_pm.lib). In Miniport initialize function i found
NdisMQueryAdapterResources returning sucess and When I tried to assign the
memory after that i got BSOD and the Bug Check code is 0x0000001e.

Bug Details

Realtek sample Driver Entry Routine
Thu Sep 14 10:25:30.875 2006 (GMT+6): Success in DriverEntry
Thu Sep 14 10:25:30.968 2006 (GMT+6): Sucess in the RltkAllocAdapter routine
Thu Sep 14 10:25:30.968 2006 (GMT+6): Success in RlTkNICReadRegParameters
Thu Sep 14 10:25:30.984 2006 (GMT+6): Entering into the Find adapter routine
Thu Sep 14 10:25:30.984 2006 (GMT+6): Adapter is found -
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.000 2006 (GMT+6): IoBaseAddress = 0xe400
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.000 2006 (GMT+6): IoRange = x100
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.015 2006 (GMT+6): Realtek’s Memory Range
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.015 2006 (GMT+6): Realtek’s Memory Length : 100
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.015 2006 (GMT+6): MemPhysAddress(Low) = 0xe7101000
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.031 2006 (GMT+6): MemPhysAddress(High) = 0x0
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.031 2006 (GMT+6): InterruptLevel = x7
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.046 2006 (GMT+6): <— FindRealtek Adapter, Status=0
Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.062 2006 (GMT+6):
*** Fatal System Error: 0x0000001e

Thu Sep 14 10:25:31.265 2006 (GMT+6): Break instruction exception - code
80000003 (first chance)

Bugcheck Analysis

Bugcheck code 0000001E
Arguments c0000005 00000000 00000000 00000000

ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
ed43eff0 8042c507 00000003 ed43f038 c0000005
ed43f020 8042c8cb 00000003 804095d8 00000000 nt!KiBugCheckDebugBreak+0x31
ed43f3ac 804559bc 0000001e c0000005 00000000 nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x390
ed43f3c4 80455a3c ed43f3ec 80460bd7 ed43f3f4
ed43fddc 80469bb2 804190f0 00000001 00000000 nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x5e
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 nt!KiThreadStartup+0x16

80456488 cc int 3

I tried

I referred this bugcheck code in the ddtools in DDK help. And from
0xC0000005 i understood that

it is bcoz of a memory access violation and as per the reference it says
that 4 th parameter

describes the address that driver attempted to access. ???

Please give me advice.

Thanks in advance
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